[讨论] 数字时代下的NBA

楼主: Sacre (沙葵)   2017-05-22 23:00:37
Hello guys,
Today, I have an interesting topic to discuss with you, all lovers of
basketball. It's a simple mathematical problem. We all know that,
by the idea of rounding, 2/3 approximates 0.67.
The second best shooting guard of all time history, the man who closes to the
GOAT mostly, five is much bigger than three, from Lower Merion High, number
24, Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe Bryant only entered the first round of NBA
playoffs two times during the dark age of LAL, haters gave him a nickname,
If and only if, one of the two years, Kobe and his Lakers won Nash's SUN,
the equation would become (1+2)/3 = 1, would haters call him Kawhilum instead?
or even Round a Test?
Please feel free to share your idea, even it makes no sense.
哈囉,大家好 ,打给厚,台嘎齁,欧拉,古藤踏个,抠尼基挖,
大家都知道因为四舍五入,2/3 = 0.6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
约等于 0.67
史上第二SG,天下第二人,5 >>>>>3的湖人名宿 寇比.布莱恩特因为独自带队,三年只
有两年打进第一轮,2/3=0.67 所以一直被酸0.67轮!
那两年其中一年过了纳什的太阳,这样就变成 (1+2)/3 = 1,
作者: cigaretteass (NONE)   2017-05-22 23:01:00
作者: dream1285201 (Jon)   2017-05-23 00:58:00

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