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作者: jasonlin1993 (仙人掌) 看板: Celtics
标题: [外电] Kobe用他的方式陪矮汤度过难关
时间: Thu May 4 07:59:31 2017
作者:Chase Hughs
Bryant began helping Thomas after the Celtics lost the first two games of
their first round series to the Chicago Bulls. Since, Bryant has been
speaking with him regularly. Bryant has broken down how the Wizards are
defending him.
"He reached out on behalf of my sister when [she passed away]," Thomas said
of Bryant. "He wanted to go over film with me. He called me and we did it. He
made me figure out a lot of things... He's just been a very helping hand when
it comes to the film and figuring out what to do the next day."
"He's been sending me a text before and after every game since the first
round. He definitely helps. He just tells me what he sees and what I should
be watching for in film," Thomas said.
Thomas was surprised at the detail Bryant paid attention to.
"Mentally, he's just on a different level than anybody I've ever met. We were
on the phone for 30 minutes. I e-mailed him my film and he watched every
second, telling me what times to go to look at and certain plays and things I
didn't look at when I watched film. Mentally, you can tell he's one of the
greatest ever."
Working with Bryant has been surreal for Thomas. He's also received texts
from Tom Brady, Floyd Mayweather, and Allen Iverson, a voicemail from Kevin
Garnett and messages from many others.
But working with Bryant like he has is a dream come true.
"He's just trying to help out and that's probably the craziest thing that has
happened to me," Thomas said. "I remember I was at home in Washington. I was
on the phone and my mom kept saying 'who are you talking to?' I had to put it
on mute and tell her it was Kobe. Then, she started tripping a little bit.
That was fun."