Re: [讨论] McCaw这名球员

楼主: Phater (肥特)   2017-04-23 15:04:03
Patrick McCaw如果能够养成成功,绝大多数是GSW制服组的功劳.
色的球员. 可是让Warriors看中的是他的防守能力(在2016年入选Mountain West防守第
一队)跟他跟队友相处的态度. 选秀专家对他的评语是:
"McCaw's sensitivity to chemistry is a pendulum that should be on the
upswing in a culture that preaches 'Joy, Mindfulness, Compassion, and
Competition'- concepts that fit McCaw's core qualities."
McCaw很重视球队内部的化学效应. 在一个融洽的环境他会很快的融入
Warriors原本没有第二轮选秀权,用2.4M跟公鹿买下这个选秀权. Jerry West表示
"People are gonna be sorry they didn't draft him."
"He's got a gift to play the game. He can really pass the ball, and he's
a creative passer. And he can defend."
作者: encorek01231 (阿哈)   2017-04-23 17:23:00

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