Re: [花边] Reddit乡民热议McGee在推特上的图片

楼主: terry46732 (terryctlee)   2017-01-05 02:41:28
Think about this from Javale's perspective. In case you are not aware, a lot of Javale's Shaqtin' moments can be chalked up to the fact that he has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), which he has stated publicly.
让我们从Javale的立场去思考这件事。提醒你,许多Javale的Shaqtin moments和他是个ADHD患者(他自己也曾公开承认)的事实有直接关联。
The main hallmarks of ADHD are an inability to focus at times and lapses in concentration. Stuff like running back on defense while your team still has the ball. Forgetting appointments. Making stupid plays. Leaving the stove on. Ill advised dunks. Having trouble changing tasks. Trying to inbound while the other team has possession. Problems maintaining relationships.
Notice how some of these are a lot less funny than others? Those non Shaqtin' moments are more likely than not a constant reality of Javale's everyday life.
你有注意到在这些错误之中,并不总是很有趣吗?这些非Shaqtin’ moments 更不像是Javale在现实生活当中的情况。
Think about the effects of constantly having worry about slipping up like this all the time due to a condition outside of your control. It would probably begin to weigh on you quite a bit. It would definitely lead to increased stress, perhaps depression. It might even make you consider leading a life that minimizes your exposure to situations that could exacerbate your ADHD. But you deal with it because you don't want to let your mental condition take away from what you want to do with your life. You
persevere. You excel. ADHD takes a backseat in regards to defining you and your choices as a human being.
Then one day, a guy comes along and notices the funny things your ADHD makes you do sometimes and makes a show about it.* Sure, he probably does not know that you have a condition that makes you prone to gaffes such as the ones that pop up on his show, but the damage is done nonetheless. Your private struggle has been thrust into the limelight. Your ADHD has come back to overshadow your achievements, distracting from who you are and all you have done to reach the place where you are today. You have
become defined by something that you swore would never define you, and everything that truly defines you in your eyes has been cast aside.
This, IMO, is why Javale is throwing such shade Shaq's way. And I don't blame him at all. Shaq is essentially shaming him for having ADHD. There is no way Shaq could still be unaware of Javale's condition after all these years, which means that he's doing it for the ratings. He's exploiting the fact that Javale has ADHD for ratings.
I do not know what the solution to all of this is, but when someone has been blatantly disrespecting you for years, using your struggles as a source of laughs and income, you are bound to start resorting to retorts that might seem a bit drastic in the eyes of others.
*I understand that Javale may not have been the catalyst for Shaqtin' a Fool, but he is undoubtedly the reason why it has lasted longer than one season.
*我明白Javale 可能其实不是Shaqtin’ a Fool之所以火红的催化剂,但他绝对是这个show持续超过一季的原因。
作者: TristyRumble (蓝宝)   2017-01-05 03:08:00
87 乡民推文笑跟做节目笑有一样?
作者: Liaocavalier (Liao272727)   2017-01-05 04:17:00
后面明明一堆不好笑的play还选Mcgee 这9480
作者: percyiverson (percyiverson)   2017-01-05 10:39:00
ccc真有毅力 推个

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