推 tahikuro : Dunked his fool shots是指用灌篮方式去执行投篮 01/02 17:48
嘘 shoray : 我真的快笑死,你拿一个规则修改以后老张罚球的影片 01/02 17:48
→ shoray : 来为自己的内容背书到底是杀小xd 他在规则修改后投 01/02 17:48
→ shoray : 罚球站的位子和我们讨论的问题连一点屁关系也没有。 01/02 17:49
→ tahikuro : 不是""踩罚球线不会超线"灌篮 01/02 17:49
→ shoray : 拜托你看清楚我贴的那则新闻里面的内容 科科 01/02 17:49
It seems Wilt has an unorthodox method of shooting free throws. The big guy
takes aim at the basket srom several feet behind the line. Then he takes
about three giant steps, leaves his feet before reaching the line,
and stuffs the ball through the hoop.
Under the old rule, it was perfectly legal as Wilt
never touched the floor before letting go of the ball. In addition his
percentage was fantastic. "Why, he would have had a free throw percentage of
100," said [Tex] Winter. "He never missed." Incidentally the rules committee
did not mention Chamberlain by name as a reason for the change. The rule
change was made, according to the committee, "to prevent freak activity."