laigei (我是阿嘟嘟)
2016-09-29 14:14:20认真回,为避免误导(应该是已经误导)把你原文删除,此篇备份。
于是复制一段最具争议的中文喂估狗大神 "但前提是瓦莱乔得亲自申请"
跳出了唯一一篇 7/19 ETtoday的新闻 http://sports.ettoday.net/news/738089
7/19发新闻一定是 7/18的外电,去 Google 了一下
- http://tinyurl.com/jz98lam
However, even if they do decide they want him to have a ring as a member of
the 2015-16 team, it sounds like Varejao will decline the offer.
- http://tinyurl.com/jjul3ey
However, per Fox Sports Ohio's Sam Amico, it appears Varejao will refuse the
offer from the Cavaliers