LeBron James Donates $42 Million Dollars To Send 1,100 Kids With Challenge
Backgrounds To College
LeBron James has always been about giving back to a community that helped
raise him.
The NBA superstar has partnered with the University of Akron, Ohio to provide
kids with troubled backgrounds a guaranteed four-year scholarship. The
$9,500/year scholarship will cover tuition and the university’s general
service fee. James told ESPN he plans to send 1,100 kids to college, which
will cost him and his foundation a total of $41.8 million!
“It’s the reason I do what I do,” said James, who announced the program
Thursday while hosting an event for students at Cedar Point Amusement Park. “
These students have big dreams, and I’m happy to do everything I can to help
them get there. They’re going to have to earn it, but I’m excited to see
what these kids can accomplish knowing that college is in their futures.”
LeBron James捐了$42 Million Dollars送1100个小孩上大学
LeBron James:我就是做我该做的