[情报] 联盟:2017年明星赛将不在夏洛特举行

楼主: tony900735 (大頭)   2016-07-22 06:55:32
NEW YORK – The NBA issued the following statement today regarding the 2017 NB
A All-Star Game:
“The NBA has decided to relocate the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte with t
he hope of rescheduling for 2019.
“Since March, when North Carolina enacted HB2 and the issue of legal protecti
ons for the LGBT community in Charlotte became prominent, the NBA and the Char
lotte Hornets have been working diligently to foster constructive dialogue and
try to effect positive change. We have been guided in these discussions by t
he long-standing core values of our league. These include not only diversity,
inclusion, fairness and respect for others but also the willingness to listen
and consider opposing points of view.
“Our week-long schedule of All-Star events and activities is intended to be a
global celebration of basketball, our league, and the values for which we sta
nd, and to bring together all members of the NBA community – current and form
er players, league and team officials, business partners, and fans. While we
recognize that the NBA cannot choose the law in every city, state, and country
in which we do business, we do not believe we can successfully host our All-S
tar festivities in Charlotte in the enacted created by HB2.
“We are particularly mindful of the impact of this decision on our fans in No
rth Carolina, who are among the most passionate in our league. It is also imp
ortant to stress that the City of Charlotte and the Hornets organization have
sought to provide an inclusive environment and that the Hornets will continue
to ensure that all patrons – including members of the LGBT community – feel
welcome while attending games and events in their arena.

“We look forward to re-starting plans for our All-Star festivities in Charlot
te for 2019 provided there is an appropriate resolution to this matter.
“The NBA will make an announcement on the new location of the 2017 NBA All-St
ar Game in the coming weeks.”
作者: UnderStand56 (下面的56站起來)   2016-07-22 08:42:00

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