Re: [外絮] KD:我已不是一双鞋只值$88的球员

楼主: iamlilt (lilT)   2016-07-09 06:59:35
KD 这讲的确蛮伤感情的,但还是要帮他稍微平反一下
首先,2009 年 $88镁大概是现在的 $100 镁
当初的KD 1 跟一年前的 KI 1 一样,没什么特别的技术,所以才能卖这么低的价钱
但KD 9 真的用了很多很好的技术,像是全 Zoom Air 鞋底跟 Flyknit,这些的成本都很高
加上Nike 卖的是 whole sale price,而非零售价,这双鞋基本上是没什么赚在卖的
更不用说这双是我穿过的篮球鞋里面最好的 (原来我最爱 Kobe 9 flyknit)
别听什么只值 $87,这双真的很值得买!
别听什么只值 $87,这双真的很值得买!
别听什么只值 $87,这双真的很值得买!
别听什么只值 $87,这双真的很值得买!
还有什么Flyknit 是省成本的话都出来了…一台机台贵到爆炸好吗…
※ 引述《Malpais (Malpais)》之铭言:
: 来源:Sports Illustrated
: Kevin Durant on increased price of his shoes: ‘I’m not a $88 player’
: KD谈及他涨价的联名球鞋:“我不是一双鞋值88美金的球员”
: Kevin Durant’s KD9 Nike shoe was released late in June, available to the
: public for $150. While it is $30 cheaper than the KD8 that came before it,
: the most recent version of Durant’s shoe is still far pricier than what
: it used to be.
: it used to be.
: it used to be.
: it used to be.
: KD的最新一代联名鞋KD9已经在六月底上市,官方定价为150美金。比起上一代,
: KD9的定价调降了30美金,但仍比系列最初的几代贵了许多。
: Durant and Nike began selling the shoe at an affordable $88, and actually
: dropped the price down to $85 for the KD2 and KD3 releases. Then, the price
: began to climb, all the way to $180 for the KD8.
: KD和Nike的第一代联名鞋售价是容易负担的88美金,KD2和KD3还调降到85美金,之后
: 系列球鞋的售价一路攀升至KD8的180美金。
: When asked about this in a recent press conference, Durant was pretty blunt.
: “As humbly as I can say it, I’m not a $88 player,” Durant said. “I’m an
: elite player in the league. I wanted everything to be affordable, but I knew
: elite player in the league. I wanted evrything to be affordable, but I knew
: we had to sacrifice some stuff. I just wanted the fans of the brand and of
: we had to sacrifice some stuff. I just wanted the fans of the brand and of
: the shoe to just stay patient with me. And stay patient with who I am as a
: the shoe to just stay patient with me. And stay patient with who I am as a
: player, and the level I was trying to go to.”
: 当最近在记者会中被问及此事,KD的回答相当直率:“谦虚地说,我已经不是个只值
: 当最近在记者会中被问及此事,KD的回答相当直率:“谦虚地说,我已经不是个只值
: 88美金的球员了。 我是联盟中的顶级球星,我当然希望所有东西都能容易负担,但我
: 知道我们有时候必须做点牺牲。我希望热爱nike和球鞋的粉丝们能有点耐心,一起期待
: 知道我们有时候必须做点牺牲。我希望热爱nike和球鞋的粉丝们能有点耐心,一起期待
: 我身为一个球员我的实力能提升到什么程度。”
: 我身为一个球员我的实力能提升到什么程度。”
: Durant is no longer an $88 player, he is now a $26 million-a-year player
: Durant is no longer an $88 player, he is now a $26 million-a-year player
: after reaching a two-year agreement with the Glden State Warriors.
: KD已经不是个一双联名鞋只要88美金的球员了,在跟金州勇士队签下两年合约后,
: 他现在是年薪2600万美金的超级球星。
: A new black colorway of the KD9 will be released on Saturday.
: 新款黑色配色的KD9将会在这个星期六上市。
: []
: – Kenny Ducey
: 心得:
: 印象中刚跟NIKE签约的时候,KD说过希望定价不要超过100美金,这样小朋友们才比较
: 有机会买得起明星球员的球鞋...
: 另外一篇外电内容更酸:KD的新合约只能买360,000双KD9,但可以买613,000双KD2
: 另外一篇外电内容更酸:KD的新合约只能买360,000双KD9,但可以买613,000双KD2
作者: tigerbul1986   2016-07-09 07:08:00
鞋子真的很赚~ 更别提明星鞋款了
作者: homechen1990 (包温)   2016-07-09 07:17:00
哇塞 好多鞋鞋喔~><
作者: cliff9350814 (cliff9350814)   2016-07-09 12:31:00
我跟你讲啦 我在丰泰的朋友说一双鞋基本上成本就是售价的1/5啦 成本很高?????原文讲的是鞋子本身成本贵 就是有人留言护航要包含行销代言等费用 这两件事就两回事啊
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2016-07-09 20:56:00
自己都说成本讲出来不用上班了 广告才是最高的成本好吗

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