Re: [新闻] 烧毁!雷霆球迷焚烧杜兰特球衣

楼主: Satsuki7552   2016-07-05 10:54:12
※ 引述《tmacor1 (卖冰淇淋的车子)》之铭言:
: 〔体育中心/综合报导〕杜兰特(Kevin Durant)昨日带枪投靠勇士,成为继“皇帝”詹
: 姆斯(LeBron James)2010年节目直播“决定”(The Decision)加盟热火后,最大一次
: 的抱团效应,舆论一时沸腾、球迷群起攻讦,烧毁球衣。
: 有球迷发挥创意,穿起杜兰特的球衣、窜改背号上的姓氏,从“杜兰特”(Durant)变成
: “叛徒”(Traitor)。脸书、推特上更充斥奥克拉荷马当地球迷直播烧球衣的影片。
OKC球迷们纷纷开始焚烧Durant球衣, 怒吼著"叛徒"
但除了勇士球迷很开心之外, 西雅图的球迷们搞不好比勇士迷更开心
终于又可以帮喜爱的Kevin Durant加油了!!
Seattle SuperSonics fans celebrate Kevin Durant leaving Oklahoma City Thunder
for Warriors
Durant signed with the Golden State Warriors on Monday, breaking the hearts
of Thunder fans everywhere but they won’t be getting any sympathy from the
fans in Seattle.
KD加盟勇士伤了OKC球迷的心, 但他们不会获得任何西雅图球迷的怜悯
Still bitter that owner Clayton Bennett relocated their franchise to Oklahoma
City and took Durant with him, SuperSonics fans on Twitter cheered the
All-Star forward’s decision to join Golden State.
“Don't feel an ounce of sympathy for OKC fans. For years they have taunted
Seattle fans even calling KD a "gift" from Seattle. No u stole him,”
@Go_Dawgs_91 tweeted.
“For the record; we didn't burn our #Sonics jerseys & other gear when they
left. We still wear them with pride. We'll get em back #Sonicsgate”
@ElwoodBruise tweeted.
A: 我对OKC球迷们连一英镑的同情都没有, 几年前他们奚落我们, 还说KD是西雅图给的
礼物....才不是那样, 是OKC偷走了KD!!
B: 当年球队被迁去OKC时我们并没有烧掉超音速球衣以及跟超音速队相关的东西, 我们
依然骄傲的穿着它, 我们会要回属于我们的超音速球队!!

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