第二线道内线,车号MGF-8096 光阳(KYMCO)机车被撞,肇事者逃逸,由于车祸地点是监视
器死角,无法得知肇事车辆之车牌号码。故 恳请,如上述时间经过此路段之民众,拍摄
请联络:0912-845-581杨先生 或0938-782-958陈先生
Requesting the video of accident
Scooter of Kymco
Plate number of victimized scooter: MGF-8096
06.28.2016 08:45 -09:00 AM
ZhongXiao East Rd. Sec.4, No.179
From Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall towards to Zhongxiao Fuxing Station (In front o
f Swatch), the inner of Second lane.
Two sources on ride
No witness found
No CCTV captured
Please provide the video if you have caught the moment that the accident happe
ned and the license plate number of that vehicle.
You can contact 0912-845-581 Mr. Yang or 0938-782-958 Mr. Chen. We will apprec
iate your kindly hlep.