※ 引述《j852946 (唉唷又2颗)》之铭言:
: 会有这问题主要是看到LBJ在今年季后赛的表现
: 有别于去年刚回骑士
: 执行减重后篮下Finish能力降低的情况
: 似乎又渐渐的回到热火时期的水准
: 东冠对上暴龙时
: 每场平均15.7的油漆区(In the Paint)得分
: 然后在Restricted Area(三秒区!?)的命中率高达82.1%(46/56)
Restricted Area:
The restricted area (RA) is the area within the arched line on the court
located below the rim.
篮下这个位置大多就灌篮, 或是切入上篮近距离挑篮或擦版, 篮下 tip 补篮, 篮下
擦版得分, 都到这个位置了, 命中率原本就不会低
82.1% 也不算很高, 换算一下, 放枪率 17.9%
以 LBJ 这么壮且体能好的球员, 放枪率 17.9% 非常令人意外
就算加一些身体对抗, 或是被补防影响, 还是跟坦克切入的印象有差距
Its purpose is to stop secondary defenders from taking
a position under the basket in an attempt to draw the offensive foul when a
player is driving to the basket. If an offensive player drives past his
primary defender on the way to the basket and a secondary defender comes
over, he must establish a legal position outside the RA to draw an offensive
foul. If the drive starts inside the Lower Defensive Box (LDB – this is the
area from the bottom tip of the free throw circle to the endline between the
two 3’ posted-up marks), the secondary defender is legally allowed to be
positioned inside the RA. The restricted are also does not apply if the
secondary defender jumps in attempting to block the shot, the offensive
player leads with his leg or knee in an unnatural motion or uses his off arm
to prevent the defender from blocking his shot. The RA does not extend from
below the backboard to the baseline. Therefore, if a player drives the
baseline and is not attempting to go directly to the rim, the RA does not
: https://youtu.be/ELkk8uCzwp0
: 不得不说LBJ篮下放球手感真的很恐怖
: 当然跟他过人的身体素质脱不了关系
: 不过这就让我好奇现役各位置在油漆区中
: 哪些人的放球手感或说Finish能力比较突出?
: 先说几个我脑海中第一时间浮现出来的人选
: PG : Curry、Irving
: Curry虽然在西冠有几场上篮频频放枪 但讲到手感大概不能不提他
: KI大概也可以算公认的吧 尤其是他左手的运用
: 至于卡哇帮尬 不知道是不是推进速度太快的关系 反而容易在快攻放枪
: SG : Wade
: 各种淫荡小抛投跟豪洨球
: SF : LBJ
: KD的话 因为他主要进攻手段跳投占了很大部分 所以没有明显的感觉
: PF、C : 小Gasol、OK4、Big Al
: 这2个位置因为近代篮球区分比较模糊的关系 所以放在一起讲
: 大概也是最难做出选择的
: 所以也只粗略列出3个球员
: 不知道板友们的看法是什么?
: 来讨论讨论吧