djviva (时鼠无奈)
2016-05-10 09:51:19http://tinyurl.com/hfd259x by ESPN
至于火箭,目前已经面试过Bickerstaff, Chris Finch, Sam Cassell跟Mike D'Antoni
,以及Blatt,预计明天会再来面试Kenny Smith,据传火箭之后还要跟Jeff Hornacek以
及Stephen Silas约面试 (已面试5, 将面试3)
The Rockets have yet to present any of the candidates to star guard James
Harden, according to a source.
Rockets owner Leslie Alexander said they would talk to Harden during the
coaching search and free-agency process. It appears in the early stages the
organization has yet to talk to Harden.
But there's a feeling they will at some point before a final decision is made.
据传,火箭目前没让James Harden参与任何总教练面谈,但火箭老板说过他们会跟胡子讨