A. Technical Foul
Section II—Delay-of-Game
In the last two minutes of the fourth period and last two minutes of
any overtime period, a technical foul will be assessed if the defender
crosses or breaks the plane of the boundary line when an offensive
player is in a position to inbound and prior tothe ball being released
on a throw-in.
*引自official-nba-rule-book-2015-16.pdf P.39
※ 引述《arthurwang (莫言)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《aroyneil8256 (方向 )》之铭言:
: : 在任一方发边线、发底线球,
: : 裁判应“主动”要求防守者,
: : 退离执行发球者“2步以上”;
: : 假如裁判没有提出要求,
: : 执行发球的球员可以要求裁判协助驱离防守者保持距离。
: 不懂规则在那边乱唬烂
: 先别说这是NBA,连FIBA都没有2步以上这种规则,
: https://www.fiba.com/downloads/Rules/2014/Official_Basketball_Rules_2014_Y.pdf
: 17.3.2
: During the throw-in other player(s) shall not:
: 。 Have any part of their bodies over the boundary line
: before the ball has been thrown-in across the boundary line.
: 。 Be closer than 1 m to the player taking the throw-in when the throw-in
: place has less than 2 m distance between the boundary line and
: any out-of-bounds obstructions.
: 也就是身体不要越线,
: 如果发球位置距离边线只有不到2公尺的距离,其他人要跟发球者保持超过1公尺的距离
: 换句话说,如果发球位置距离边线有超过2公尺的空间,其他人就是保持不要越线就好
: 没有什么2步这种规则,又不是系队
: 再来是NBA的规定
: http://www.nba.com/media/dleague/1314-nba-rule-book.pdf
: Rule 8. Section III
: Until the passed ball has crossed the plane of the boundary,
: no player shall have any part of his person over the boundary line
: and teammates shall not occupy positions parallel or adjacent
: to the baseline if an opponent desires one of those positions.
: 也只是提到不要越线
: Rule 10. Section III
: A thrower-in shall not
: (1) carry the ball onto the court;
: (2) fail to release the ball within 5 seconds;
: (3) touch it on the court before it has touched another player;
: (4) leave the desig- nated throw-in spot;
: (5) throw the ball so that it enters the basket
: before touching anyone on the court;
: (6) step on the court over the boundary line before the ball is released;
: (7) cause the ball to go out-of-bounds without being touched
: by a player in the game;
: (8) leave the playing surface to gain an advantage on a throw-in;
: (9) hand the ball to a player on the court.
: 一样就是不要越线,
: 简单说,发球完成前:
: 双方不要踩线跟越线;
: 发球者不要接触到场内跟其他场内球员;
: 其他球员不要接触到发球员。
: 马妞踩线 =》违例
: 发球干马妞拐 =》违例
: 裁判没看到 =》 正常的,没事,没事。