xpu (玩味人生)
2016-05-02 15:10:16※ 引述《k960674 (Kaul)》之铭言:
: 消息来源:
: http://goo.gl/IXzRh0
: http://goo.gl/ecX4ob
: 内容:
: http://i.imgur.com/k8Yxp4I.png
: Drake, known Toronto Raptors fan (and fan of every other sports team that wi
: decided to take to Instagram after Toronto took a 3-2 series lead over the
: Indiana Pacers. The Raptors made a huge comeback in the fourth quarter to
: steal game 5 and now are only one win away from moving on to Round 2 of the
: NBA playoffs. While it was a demoralizing loss for the Pacers, it's an odd
: take because Paul George has been completely destroying the Raptors. Even
: tonight he put up 39 on them.
: Drake(加拿大歌手)这位众所周知的暴龙球迷(也是个所有其他运动的赢球迷)打算
: 暴龙目前3比2领先的喜悦分享到Instagram。暴龙在第四节大反扑拿下第五战胜利并且
: 晋级只差一胜。尽管这对溜马士气是个很大的打击,但针对Paul George实在很奇怪,
: 今天砍进了39分,几乎只手摧毁了暴龙。
: 他随后删除了这张图,但已经被很多人备份了。
: 但无论他删除与否,下面这些评论都和我们的观点一致。
: “PG得了39分耶,有没有搞错?”
: “39分耶,他是在怕啥?”
: “至少PG做到自己该做的事,而你还需要别人帮你写歌词。”
: 短评或心得:
: 还没赢系列战就这样败人品好像不太好啊。
今天赛后Drake跟Paul George有互相拥抱致意
还好暴龙赢了 不然Drake可能就尴尬了
不过看起来两个人都蛮有风度的 还以为他们会变成仇人哈哈
也恭喜暴龙晋级第二轮 溜马可惜了!!