Re: [新闻] 国王自家球员爆料 休息室气氛糟糕

楼主: kikijuice (Last Cigarette)   2016-05-01 16:26:04
※ 引述《a10141013 (FlyBall)》之铭言:
: 国王自家球员爆料 休息室气氛糟糕
: 记者魏立信/综合报导
: 从休息室的气氛,就可看出一支球队是否强盛。始终无法顺利重建的国王,就遭自家球员
: 爆料,球队整季的化学反应都很不好,休息室的气氛更是糟糕。
: 本季从马刺转战国王的意大利射手贝里纳里(Marco Belinelli)近日接受意大利媒体报导
: 时透露:“我在国王的休息室看到一些非常糟糕的事情,我来自一个像马刺那么完美的球
: 队,所以看到这种情况让我非常吃惊。”
: 国王的球队领袖无疑是“表弟”卡森斯(DeMarcus Cousins),他本季场均26.9分写下生涯
: 新高,外带11.5篮板、1.6抄截,站稳联盟顶尖中锋地位,但他随时都会爆发的坏脾气,
: 也让他的领袖能力备受外界质疑。
: 而卡森斯与球队前总教练卡尔(George Karl)之间的嫌隙,更让国王能以产生良好的化学
: 环境,“卡尔不想要卡森斯,卡森斯也不想要卡尔。”贝里纳里说,“球队很难在这样的
: 情况打好,迪瓦兹(Vlade Divac)就像他们之间的和事佬。”
: 季中就曾因卡森斯认为卡尔主导他的禁赛处分,让双方关系降到冰点,球团则选择在季后
: 开除卡尔,平息两人战火。看来国王要重返强权行列,还有很长的一段路要走。
: 原文网址: 国王自家球员爆料 休息室气氛糟糕 | ET运动云 | ETtoday东森新闻云
google translation 后的英文内文如下:
The Skysport interview ahead of Marco Belinelli only confirms the difficulty of
changing between the Kings and coach George Karl: "There was no group from
the beginning. Karl did not want to Cousins and Cousins would not Karl as a
coach. at first it seemed that all the important decisions to take the owner,
Ranadive, but then Divac started to get in the middle between Karl and Cousins.
It 'hard to do in a situation like that. I have seen things with my
own eyes, that I thought I could see, especially because I came from a
perfect organization like the Spurs. I must say that I expected a little bit
that the season would go this way. "In the new episode of" The lords of
basketball "there will be the full interview.
1. Karl与Boogie一开始就不喜欢彼此。
2. 一开始Ranadive(Kings Owner)插手了几乎全部的重要决定,而后来Divac才开始介入
3. Marco觉得从一开始就可看出一些这季可能会打不好的端倪,毕竟他之前在气氛很好的

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