※ 引述《tmacor1 (卖冰淇淋的车子)》之铭言:
: 至于昨日赛后热火主帅Erik Spoelstra称Dwyane Wade最后一攻被犯规一事,由于裁判报
: 告中没有称那是错误的吹罚,所以这意味着裁判吹罚无误,也就是说当时Wade最后一攻并
: 没有被犯规。
: http://voice.hupu.com/nba/2026272.html
: 短评或心得:2次漏判,2次对黄蜂不利
官方报告明明有写到WADE最后一球 而且用不少篇幅写的满清楚的
Zeller (CHA) comes towards Wade (MIA) from across the restricted area,
planting his foot and jumping vertically to defend Wade’s shot. Zeller
absorbs contact when it occurs and, while his arms are not completely
vertical, multiple angles confirm they do not make contact with Wade.
Therefore, Zeller maintains a legal guarding position as he attempts to
defend the shot.
Lee (CHA) makes contact with the ball during Wade’s (MIA) upward shooting
motion, which makes his subsequent, minor arm contact with Wade incidental.
Lee then makes contact with Wade’s arm again at about 00:04.9, however, Wade
has already lost possession of the ball.
大意就是说 Zeller的手根本没有碰到 WADE 有经过多重角度回放确认
Lee跟Wade手臂碰到之前 球已经脱离他的控制了
后来的虎扑NBA专区 http://bbs.hupu.com/16124510.html