Phater (肥特)
2016-04-20 01:14:39勇士队今年创纪录单季拿下73胜,现在又是总冠军大热门. 在Ohio的一家服饰商不服气
All season long, the talk around the league has been all about that team out
West. 73 wins in the regular season is the most ever-a great accomplishment.
But here in Ohio, we've got a number of our own: 23! Cleveland is ready to
win this post-season! "In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is
earned." Show off your Cleveland pride with this shirt that says it all.
"Greatness is defined in June" Cheer on the city as Cleveland fights for
greatness this June.
一件只卖23块. 这一件可以跟公鹿队的24-1媲美了.