[外絮] Kobe:“当时跟CP3组队的话,戒指多好几枚

楼主: taylorliao (Page)   2016-04-05 11:25:17
Kobe Bryant: Chris Paul Would Have Been Perfect Fit For Lakers
After the Los Angeles Lakers agreed to trade for Chris Paul in 2011, he and
Kobe Bryant had a phone call that lasted about 20-30 minutes.
回顾2011年当时湖人透过交易获得 Chris Paul 短暂的瞬间,他跟 Kobe Bryant 通了大概
"You know me. My dream isn't to win games," Bryant recalled to ESPN this week.
"It's like, 'How many of these titles are we going to win [together]?' Because
if we don't win, we're a failure."
当 Kobe 与ESPN访谈中回忆:“你也知道我这个人,我当时想的不只是赢球而已,比较像是
"It was crazy," Paul told ESPN this week. "It was exciting. We talked about
potentially being teammates and all that stuff like that. Then, in the blink of
an eye, gone."
Chris Paul:“真的很难想像,当时真的好兴奋,我们谈很多像是会同队一起打球的队友啊
The NBA vetoed the trade and Paul was ultimately traded to the Los Angeles
当时NBA官方直接否决了这次交易,而辗转让Chris Paul变成保罗船长,前往洛杉矶快艇队
Bryant and Paul would have to share the ball in the Lakers' backcourt.
"It worked for the Olympic team and stuff like that," Paul said. "I played in a
lot of All-Star Games with Kobe. I don't know how many, but I remember one of
them, we said, 'As long as we're both on the same team playing this game, we're
not going to lose,' just because we both know how competitive we are."
Paul:“在梦幻队时我们这个搭配行得通,我也在明星赛时跟 Kobe 搭配了好几次,我自己
"When we played together in every All-Star Game, we never f
作者: tom501062003 (池袋情报商)   2016-04-05 11:26:00
作者: linisthebest (Chen16)   2016-04-05 11:35:00
作者: theskyofblue (天空蓝)   2016-04-05 11:42:00
作者: marginal5566 (麻吉扭5566)   2016-04-05 11:47:00
垃圾联盟 不挡人抱腿挡交易
作者: oopsmamamiya ((˙(∞)˙))   2016-04-05 12:11:00
作者: imundefeated (undefeatedman)   2016-04-05 12:13:00
作者: RodrigueZ810 (装小维)   2016-04-05 12:43:00
当初联盟也说让他们GM自主权的呀 还气到辞职不是?
作者: david8840505 (DAVIDWEI)   2016-04-05 12:45:00
第二次F4怎么一堆人看名字= = 就Nash老了和Howard背伤+不想挡拆所以打很差阿 当初交易不行也是很多队教练否决吧~
作者: Liaocavalier (Liao272727)   2016-04-05 12:46:00
史上最幸运的球星 一堆mvp级的大腿会自动送来
作者: sonesnsdsosi (FOREVERSONE)   2016-04-05 13:32:00
作者: robert780110 (隆哥)   2016-04-05 17:26:00
作者: transformer8 (金刚变形)   2016-04-05 18:15:00
酸酸讲法何时要统一阿 老大不是史上最烂吗这么怕CP3跟老大组队楼上好幽默~如果当初有交易到会是现在这状况?@@
作者: x123456789xx (喔是喔真的假的)   2016-04-05 19:28:00
作者: dream1285201 (Jon)   2016-04-05 19:49:00
其实Nash跟老大两人搭配很好 只是一起出赛的场次太少

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