[外絮] Kerr比较Curry与Jordan

楼主: UrThereNow (老皮老板)   2016-03-02 06:56:44
"Michael Jordan lived a separate life from us," Kerr told Sports Illustrated
in a cover story on the Warriors. "He stayed in his own suites, had his own
security people. Steph takes a regular room like everybody else, goes
everywhere the rest of the guys do."
"Michael intimidated players just by walking on the court," he explained.
"Fans, too. Steph walks on the floor, and people are like, 'How old is he?
勇士教头Kerr接受运动画刊访问时提到Jordan与Curry的不同, 他提到: "MJ的生活是跟
我们分开的, 他住在自己专属的套房, 有自己的保镳. 而Curry则是跟大家住同样的
套房, 跟大家去同样的地方."
"MJ光是走入球场就能让球员惧怕, 球迷也一样. 而当Curry走入球场的时候, 大家都在
想, '他才几岁阿? 13岁吗?"
Baby face assassin
作者: UnderStand56 (下面的56站起來)   2016-03-02 06:59:00
作者: when12love34 (ZeroDown)   2016-03-02 09:47:00
MJ耍大牌大家还说无所谓 信徒被当成奴隶还真开心

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