Bucks, Knicks Have Interest In Ricky Rubio
The Minnesota Timberwolves are unlikely to move Ricky Rubio before the trade
deadline, but the organization wants to eventually pair Karl-Anthony Towns and
Andrew Wiggins with a better shooter at the position.
明尼苏达灰狼目前还不想在交易大限之前动 Ricky Rubio,但球团最终希望可以在以
Karl-Anthony Towns 和 Andrew Wiggins 建军的双人搭配下,找到一个投射能力够好的控
The Milwaukee Bucks and New York Knicks are two possible destinations for Rubio.
密尔瓦基公鹿和纽约尼克队其中之一是 Rubio 可能的下个去处
Jason Kidd has long been enamored with Rubio.
Jason Kidd 长久以来一直都对这位西班牙金铜垂涎三尺
Rubio won't be a free agent until 2019.
Rubio 将会在2019年才成为自由球员
PLAYER NAME 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Ricky Rubio $12,7M $13,4M $14,1M $14,8M