makihara (Frozen In Time)
2015-12-24 12:38:27Kobe Bryant 'was by far the toughest,' Grant Hill recalls in Christmas memory
Grant Hill 说 Kobe Bryant 是他遇过最难防守的人
“In Phoenix, why the hell I was guarding him at 36, 37, I don’t know,”
Hill told Sporting News. “It was one of those things where, of all the guys
I had to guard at that time, he was by far the toughest.”
“He is one of the guys who, when I look at my career and I look at the
injuries and I think what could have been, he is one of the guys I think
about,” Hill said. “It would have been fun from like 2000-2006 to go
against him. He was sort of, during that period of time, he was the gold
standard. He would have been someone I would have enjoyed and looked forward
to that matchup, but I never had that chance. Obviously, I regret not being
healthy, but, man, to go against a guy like that? That would have been fun.”
LeBron James hits Kevin Love with a Stone Cold Stunner during post-game
Kevin Love 在接受采访时,骑士球员一直在旁边捣乱,拿毛巾砸他。
LeBron James 还对他使出了WWE里的必杀技"Stone Cold Stunner",
后来 Kevin Love 没回答完问题,就跟着队友们一起去跳圈圈舞了。