makihara (Frozen In Time)
2015-12-12 17:40:34https://twitter.com/ArashMarkazi
LeBron James bought Draymond Green two cases of the 2010 Silver Oak
Cabernet Sauvignon after Michigan State beat Ohio State.
Draymond Green to NBATV:
"That man LeBron is a good man right there. He knows a young guy like me
cant afford that. He's a man of his word."
Draymond Green 接受NBA TV采访时表示,LeBron James 已经兑现了赌约,
(上个月NCAA Football Michigan State VS Ohio State)
LeBron 送给 Green 两箱2010年份Silver Oak 红酒,
“LeBron 真的是个大好人,他知道像我这样的一个年轻球员
Nick Young thinks he is a better defender than Kawhi Leonard
"It's tough. He's getting to my level," Young told Baxter Holmes of ESPN
when asked whether he or Leonard was the better defender before Leonard's
Spurs took on the Lakers on Friday night.
此前 Nick Young 表示自己该被提名年度最佳防守球员,对战马刺的比赛前,
ESPN记者问他和 Kawhi Leonard 谁是更好的防守者,Nick Young 表示: