makihara (Frozen In Time)
2015-11-30 10:35:50Rick Carlisle discusses Rajon Rondo's poor fit with Mavericks
Rick Carlisle 谈论 Rajon Rondo 并不适合小牛
"At this point, everyone has turned the page," said Carlisle, whose team
is off to a 10-7 start. "Anyone who knows Rondo knew he was gonna bounce
back with a monster year this year. George Karl has done a brilliant job
and put him in position to be a max player next year."
“任何了解 Rondo 的人都会知道,这个赛季他肯定会有一个大反弹。
George Karl做了相当棒的工作。他把 Rondo 放在了一个明年能拿顶薪的位置上。”
"With everything that happened with that whole situation, the bottom line
is we fit him worse than he fit us. We were a worse fit for him than he was
for us. We had a team of slashers last year. He needs shooters.
"Now he's got a center that's a shooter, he's got wing players that can
all shoot the ball, and George has given him the keys to the ignition.
He'll be great in that situation. We didn't have enough shooters around him."
现在他身边有很多能投篮的侧翼球员,George 给了 Rondo 启动的钥匙,
Golden State Warriors still chasing history as they come to Utah
"We've played them twice," Gentry said with a chuckle before his
New Orleans Pelicans played in Salt Lake City on Saturday.
"I take joy in the fact that we don't have to play them but
one more time. That's what I take joy in."
近日鹈鹕主帅 Alvin Gentry 接受媒体采访时开玩笑地表示,
"The last kind of couple games, you kind of hope they keep it
so you can be the first team," he said.
前锋 Joe Ingles 则说,