cody7052 (Sunrise)
2015-11-18 14:25:17Metta World Peace:和 Kobe 做队友需要做出牺牲
With the Houston Rockets in 2008-09, World Peace averaged 17.1 points,
but that number dropped to 11.1 when he joined the Lakers a season later.
"I was averaging 22 points against the Lakers. I can't average 20 now?
But now I'm on a team with Kobe. ... That's called sacrifice,"
World Peace told ESPN.
"After Houston, my individual career was pretty much done,
because I'm with Kobe."
"I ain't got nothing to prove," he said.
"Nothing to prove, man. I just have fun. I focus and go hard. That's it."
湖人球员 Metta World Peace 在接受 ESPN 的采访中坦言,
和 Kobe 做队友,必须做出牺牲。
Metta World Peace 在 2008-2009 赛季效力于火箭时,每场平均能砍下17.1分,
Metta World Peace 表示,这并不是因为自己状态下滑。
Metta World Peace 告诉 ESPN :
但是我现在是和 Kobe 做队友……这叫牺牲,
因为我和 Kobe 做队友。”
Metta World Peace 表示,目前已经没什么需要向人们证明的了。
Metta World Peace 说 :
本赛季,Metta World Peace 每场平均上场19.1分钟,得到7.3分2.4篮板0.9助攻。
Metta World Peace realizes his NBA dream again (2015/11/18)