[外絮] Noah With More On His Mind Than Just B

楼主: JoakimNoah (!!!!!!!!EFF 53!!!!!!!!)   2015-11-16 01:27:41
Joakim Noah With More On His Mind Than Just Basketball
Posted By: Fuad AhadPosted date: November 14, 2015
Joakim Noah had an inspiring performance last night, recording 18 rebounds
and 6 assists – the first player to have 16+ rebounds and 6+ assists since
Dennis Rodman with the San Antonio Spurs. He did so with the emotion we have
become so accustomed to seeing and had his best game of the season. And it
came not long after news broke of the horrific events that were taking place
in Noah’s native country of France.
Noah 昨天在场上有令人激赏的表现,他的18篮板 6助攻的成绩,是继马刺的小虫以来
能达成16+篮板与 6+助攻的第一人!(还是从板凳出发拿下的) 然而 Noah这场本季至今
Really sad what is going on in Paris. A lot of people died for no reason. I’
m not really sure what happened; calling family before the game, making sure
they are all right.
Joakim spent much of his childhood in France – his dad, Yannick Noah, being
a professional tennis player in the country. He has French citizenship and
plays for France in the Olympics and other World basketball stages. In the
face of tragedy, Joakim Noah stood strong and inspired the only way he could.
公民的 Noah 代表法国队出战过奥运以及其他世界级别的篮球赛。面对这样的悲剧事件,
His French teammate and Hornets Forward Nicolas Batum joined Noah in
displaying his strength with his best game of the season. Batum scored 28
points with 5-6 threes as he led the Hornets the entire game.
他的同胞法国队友,黄蜂队的前锋 Batum也加入 Noah 的行列,打出开季以来最好的
I saw Noah and the first time I see him on the court I asked, ‘Is your
family OK?’ And he asked, ‘Is your family OK?’ We’re fine and he’s fine,
今天在球场上遇到 Noah 第一件事我就问他:你家里人都平安吗?而他也问我相同的
Let us keep the people of Paris in our thoughts and let us not forget those
in parts of the World who suffer these tragedies on a daily basis.
作者: smallchin021 (smallchin)   2015-11-16 18:07:00

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