[外絮] 老鹰队Sefolosha叙述腿被NYPD打断的事件

楼主: hitman0527 (990)   2015-10-30 16:48:51
原文出处 http://www.gq.com/story/thabo-sefolosha-nypd-assault
The police broke his leg, ended his season, and derailed a possible title
run. And they did it for no reason. So he fought them in court—and he won.
Now, as he tries to get his life and his career back to where it was, Atlanta
Hawks shooting guard Thabo Sefolosha shares his story for the first time.
About 4:15 A.M., they turned the lights on at the club and told us it's time
to go. Something happened, we're not exactly sure what. The police are
outside closing the place down—directing people, telling them to move.
An officer came over to me and said, "Get the hell out!" I said, "Did I do
something wrong? You can talk to me in a nicer way." I didn't quite
understand why he had to come at us so hard when there were so many other
people around. We moved, but he kept telling us to get the hell out. I told
him we were listening to him: "You are the police, but you don't have to act
like you're the toughest guy on earth." He said, "With or without a badge, I
can fuck you up." Like, whatever. We're not about to find out. I'm the last
guy who gets physical with anybody, especially the police. At the same time,
I felt singled out for no reason. He was much shorter than me. [Sefolosha is
six feet seven.] I said, "You're a midget, and you're mad." I voiced my
opinion, but I kept moving.
一位警官朝我走过来然后对我很凶的大喊 "给我滚出来!" 然后我就回嘴说 "我有做错事
情吗?你可以对我nice一点你知道吗?" 我真的不懂他为什么有点针对我跟Antic,周围明
我们后面叫我们快点滚出去。这时我又回他说"我有在听你们阿。我这不是出来了吗? 我
警察回我说"不管我是不是警察,我都可以干爆你。" 我也不想跟他斗只回"随便你说啦。"
针对了。我猜可能因为是我比一般人高吧(Sefolosha 6呎7)。所以我又呛他 "你这小侏儒
By then I was in the street, around many other people. I asked him where he
wanted me to go. He said, "Keep moving until I tell you to stop." I joined
the rest of the people, next to a pizza place, and that's when five or six or
seven other officers surrounded us. It felt like I had done something wrong.
Probably they heard what I said and decided, "We're going to make sure this
guy knows that we're the police and that basically we rule." They told me I
had to leave the scene. They were almost provoking me, challenging me. I
didn't want to react to them.
I was just getting into a livery cab—one of the cops opened the door and
said, "Get out of here"—when a homeless man asked me for money. I took out
twenty bucks. When I made a few steps toward the guy, an officer said,
"You're going to jail." Pero tapped the officer on the shoulder and said,
"Relax, he didn't do anything." Another officer pushed him in the chest and
he fell. That's what the first YouTube video showed—him on the floor.
当我走向流浪汉时,警官马上就说"你准备去监狱吧你。" 这时Antic拍了拍这位警官的
More officers started grabbing me. I was trying to put the money back in my
pocket. Usually I don't carry that much, but I had six or seven hundred
dollars in my hand. One officer pulled me from my right arm, another grabbed
me on my left, and another grabbed me on the back of my neck. I'm in, like,
an on-a-cross type of position. I couldn't even move. It was just chaos. I
had never been arrested before. I understood a little bit late that they were
trying to put me on the ground, but if somebody grabs your arms and pulls you
on your neck, you fall face first.
Somebody kicked my leg, more than once, from the back to force me to the
ground. I knew something had happened as soon as they did it; I'm an athlete,
so I know how my body should feel. They were stepping on my foot, too, I
guess to try to keep me there. I didn't feel like there was anything I could
do to calm it down. I tried to show them I was cooperating. I tried.
The main thing in my head, of course, was my leg. Just in that moment, the
adrenaline prevented me from feeling too much pain. I noticed the swelling as
soon as I got to the police station. At the precinct, it was very painful and
I couldn't step on it anymore. They put Pero and me in a cell, then they
brought in the guy who they believed had stabbed Copeland, so they moved us
out and handcuffed us to some bars. We got out almost 12 hours later, after
we had our hearing.
(当晚溜马队的Copeland在同一间夜店被刺 所以警方才在疏散夜店)
(中间这段再讲受伤期间疗伤 预估好几个月后才能上场
包括老鹰教练挺他 跟老鹰输掉季后赛
Sefolosha的PTSD症状 持续的紧张跟害怕 体重下降 半夜惊醒 等等)
In September I went to New York, and they offered me this deal: one day of
community service, with the charges to be dismissed after six months. My
lawyer said that it was a very, very gutsy move not to take the deal. I don't
think I realized quite fully how much of a risk it was. My lawyer had told
me, "You're risking up to two years in jail for all this." But to accept the
deal felt like admitting guilt.
The charges against Pero were dismissed. I was still hoping that during that
month between September 9 and October 5, they were going to drop the charges
against me, too. I never had more than six hours’ sleep the whole month. I
would wake up at 4:30 in the morning, and the first thing that would pop in
my mind was, This is really going on. I lost 15 pounds that month from the
The charges were obstruction of governmental administration, disorderly
conduct, and resisting arrest. At the beginning of the trial, my lawyer
showed new video clips his team uncovered and got the first cop to agree that
I was complying with his order, that I was not committing a crime. It was
great. The most ludicrous thing to listen to was that I charged an officer. I
would never do that. They were trying to make it seem like they had a reason
to arrest me. I'm sure that when you break someone's leg and you have video
of one officer taking a baton out, you have a lot on the line.
The D.A. said that I'm entitled and disdainful. It hurt, in a way. That easy
and simplistic categorization of athletes: Oh, he's an NBA player, he's
entitled, he's got money. Like, you don't know anything about me. Why don't
you look at facts?
The video was huge. It was everything. I really believe that without it, Pero
and I could be behind bars right now. Because if you don't have real proof
that you didn't do it and you have five, six officers saying that you did…
I think the jury had made their minds up early. The burden was on the police
to show proof of me doing anything wrong, and they didn't come with any other
proof than five officers testifying to the exact same story. They didn't
really try to find footage, they didn't really try to find other witnesses.
The jury made the right decision, and it didn't take them long. I think it's
a testimony of how they felt about the whole thing.
I was a little surprised by how some of the media related the story. Instead
of giving me the benefit of the doubt or just waiting for more information,
in the eyes of many I was guilty of doing something wrong. Now that the
verdict has been reached, I've definitely had a lot more texts now than when
I got arrested. A lot of people who weren't there over the last six months
reaching out: "We never doubted it." Yeah.
It's tough to think about what I could have done differently. I could have
run two blocks away as quickly as I could. But in my mind, the police are
under the same laws we are. Did I do something wrong because I said you can
talk to me in a nicer way? What would I do the next time it happens? Well,
I'll probably run next time. I'll probably say, "I don't want any part of
this" and move as fast as I can.
我跟警官说"你可以对我nice一点"有犯任何法吗? 下次又发生一样的事情我又会怎么做?
It was an act of police brutality, and I believe it could happen to anyone.
Now I'm a lot more aware of everything that goes on. I've been, I don't want
to say disillusioned, but brought back to earth in a harsh way. I look at
videos of police brutality on YouTube or CNN.com. The other day I was
watching this woman getting punched by the police for recording them
arresting her husband. In a situation like this, you are helpless. If there's
six people jumping me outside of the club, I scream, "Police, police!" If the
police are doing this to me, who you want me to turn to?
人攻击,然后我大喊"警察!警察!快来救我!" 那如果是警察对我这么做,你要我对谁求救?
备注:Sefolosha被判无罪后 现在反守为攻 正在向NYPD求偿50M镁
作者: katanakiller (管他去死)   2015-10-30 17:06:00
作者: fredchan1992 (Mr.2000)   2015-10-30 18:54:00
真的很扯 不过很高兴他讲出来 这能帮助更多人然后台湾还一堆人推崇美国警察很有guts...
作者: buddhabikini (mimimi)   2015-10-30 23:48:00
他呛条子是侏儒后面的mad 意思比较像是说"你疯了"

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