joulin (joulin)
2015-10-04 23:57:19我其实看不太懂这篇的意思?
IG 那张照片 加上那句话 Get it done
话说 这是一场LBJ跟TT都有去参加的婚礼
然后TT先在他的IG上发布了同一张照片 然后@了LBJ
也可能他对着年轻人喊话 不要那么坚持自己的价码?
※ 引述《z088229 (Ricky)》之铭言:
: LeBron James sends message in photo with Cavs holdout Tristan Thompson
: http://tinyurl.com/pzgpmfg
: LeBron James posed for a photograph with Tristan Thompson at a wedding
: Saturday night in Miami.
: 詹姆斯(LeBron James)PO了一张星期六晚上在迈阿密与TT(Tristan Thompson)一同参
: 加婚礼的合照。
: The fact that James spent time with Thompson, who is currently in a holdout
: situation with the Cleveland Cavaliers after missing the first four days of
: training camp while trying to negotiate a new contract, wasn't particularly
: noteworthy. They were teammates last season, share an agent in Rich Paul and
: several other associates from their agency, Klutch Sports, were at the event.
: 事实上詹姆斯与TT这个因为和骑士队签约僵持而缺席训练营前四天的球员去哪里晃并不是
: 什么大事,他们在上个赛季是队友、经纪人同样是Rich Paul,在经纪公司Klutch Sports
: 内也有些关系。
: However, the message that James wrote along with the photo while sharing it
: on his Instagram account certainly was intriguing.
: 然而随着这张发在Instagram照片中的讯息却蛮钓人胃口的。
: "Get it done!!!!" James wrote, adding the hashtag "#MissMyBrother."
: “把他搞定”詹姆斯在照片上写道,并且加了#想念我的兄弟(MissMyBrother)。
: After expressing optimism that Thompson would get a deal done "sooner than
: later" on media day Monday, James said he "probably won't address it again
: too much more" when asked about Thompson's contract situation on Tuesday.
: 在周一媒体日上发表了乐观的言论表示TT“迟早”都会拿到合约,礼拜二被问到TT合约情
: 形的时候詹姆斯表示“再说一次我也不会多说太多”。(在周二那天的访问他表示他在周
: 一已经表达过乐观的态度,现在也是保持乐观的态度,所以表达不想多说)
: James stayed true to his word at first, choosing not to offer any statement
: Friday after Thompson let a one-year, $6.8 million qualifying offer from the
: Cavs expire Thursday night.
: 詹姆斯一开始确实跟他说的一样,礼拜四TT选择让骑士队提出一年680万美元的QO失效后
: ,詹姆斯在礼拜五的访问中对这件事情保持沉默。
: Apparently, Saturday was too good of an opportunity to pass up.
: 看来,礼拜六是个詹姆斯弃权的好日子。(指说不想表达太多却还PO了照片这件事情)
: With the qualifying offer off the table, negotiations will presumably shift
: to the Cavs and Thompson's representatives focusing on a multiyear agreement.
: Thompson's agent, Paul, recently vacated a five-year, $94 million max
: contract demand for his client in favor of a preferred three-year, $53
: million deal, league sources said. The Cavs already have tendered a
: five-year, $80 million offer to Thompson, according to sources.
: QO搬下台面后,协商大概会换成骑士与TT的代表来谈一份多数年合约。联盟消息说,TT的
: 经纪人Paul最近为了他的客户因为想要一份3年53万美元的合约而提出了一个5年94万美
: 元的合约要求。根据消息骑士队已经提出了一份5年80万美元的合约要给TT。
: This is not the first time James has used Instagram as a platform to lobby
: for a Klutch Sports client. In September 2014, James urged the Phoenix Suns
: to "break bread" with Eric Bledsoe, calling him a "future All-Star in this
: league in no time." Less than three weeks later, the Suns and Bledsoe settled
: on a five-year, $70 million extension after Bledsoe initially turned down a
: four-year, $48 million offer.
: 这已经不是第一次詹姆斯用Instagram当作平台来对Klutch Sports施加压力,2014年9月
: 詹姆斯强烈要求凤凰城太阳队要与布雷索(Eric Bledsoe)分一杯羹,并称他“马上就会
: 成为联盟的全明星级球员”。不到三个礼拜太阳队就在布雷索拒绝了一份4年48万元的合
: 约后提供了一份5年70万的延长合约。
: 心得与短评:只差没多开一个电视节目