After weeks of speculation, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Russian center Sasha
Kaun have agreed to terms on a two-year contract, according to international
basketball reporter David Pick.
The second year is a player option, according to ESPN's Brian Windhorst.
经过几周的考虑过后, 骑士与俄罗斯中锋Sasha Kaun签下两年约, 第二年约则是球员选项.
Kaun has been on the Cavs' radar for a while now, and just last week he was
reportedly in Cleveland looking for a place to live. The 30-year-old is very
familiar with bench boss David Blatt, who previously coached him on the
Russian national team.
骑士已经锁定Kaun一阵子了, 上周则有报导指出Kaun在克里夫兰找房子. 30岁的Kaun
很熟悉Blatt, Blatt曾在俄罗斯国家队执教过Kaun.
The 7-footer played at Kansas before having the distinction of being the
final player drafted by the Seattle SuperSonics before their move to Oklahoma
City to become the Thunder. The Cavaliers have held his rights since, while
he has played his entire pro career in Russia.
身高7呎的Kaun先前在Kansas大学打过球, 接着他成为西雅图超音速队史最后一位被选中的
球员(2轮56顺位), 而骑士队自从那时便握有Kaun的签约权.