PaulDavis (Paul Davis)
2015-07-05 16:26:54※ 引述《cat0806 (Cater)》之铭言:
: 《俄勒冈人》报的拓荒者随队记者Jason Quick就在专栏中表示,Aldridge的离开对于拓
: 荒者来说反而会大松一口气,他也批评了Aldridge在队中耍大牌的做法。
It was the 2015 playoffs, Memphis, and the Trail Blazers' bus was idling
in front of the team hotel. A steady stream of players, coaches and support
staff had boarded for the past 20 minutes, yet for the last five minutes,
nary a soul had approached the steps.
Still, the bus remained idling. Brake lights glowing. Engine chortling.
Exhaust billowing toward Beale Street.
And it remained idling ... and idling ... and idling ...
巴士还是一动也不动,好像在等谁,引擎阵阵的响,不断向着Beale Street排气
.. for a good five minutes.