ksaon (å°åŒ…)
2015-07-03 09:57:17https://twitter.com/ESPNSteinLine/status/616777935899365376
Marc Stein
ESPN sources say that the Sacramento Kings have offered Wes Matthews a
three-year deal in the $45 million range
如梦成真 3y 45M
补充一下 Rotoworld上面的消息
Wes got the $15 million per season offer he wanted. With this news
coming out, expect the Mavs to make a similar offer and for this deal to
possibly get done tonight. If you're into the Twitter follow game, Chandler
Parsons just followed Matthews, so that's super important. Matthews is ahead
of schedule from his Achilles surgery and he looks poised for his first big
※ 引述《kk30180 (kk5)》之铭言:
: 6月23日,据《今日美国》记者Sam Amick撰文透露,有熟悉Wesley Matthews情况的消息
: 人士表示,Matthews正在寻求一份年薪大约为1500万美元的薪水。
: Matthews在今年3月初的时候左脚跟腱撕裂,之后他接受了手术,目前的他已经能进行篮
: 球相关训练,而且有望为新赛季做好准备。
: Matthews继续留在拓荒者队的可能性还是存在的,特别是考虑到Afflalo(NBA官网记者
: David Aldridge曾报导,Afflalo计划跳出合约,成为一名完全自由球员)可能进入任意球
: 员市场。
: 根据联盟规定,Matthews可以和拓荒者队签订一份为期五年的顶薪合约,和其他球队则只
: 能签订一份为期四年的合约。
: 2014-15赛季,Matthews为拓荒者队打了60场比赛,场均可以得到15.9分3.7个篮板2.3个
: 助攻,三分球命中率为38.9%。
: http://voice.hupu.com/nba/1925324.html