这次改制的确没有改到分区问题 但要提改革 不得不提top16
身为一个球迷 当然会想看到最强的队伍出线 不是吗?
Adam Silver:NBA needs to look at taking top 16 teams for the playoffs
“Ultimately we want to see your best teams in the playoffs. And there is an
unbalance and a certain unfairness. There is a proposal (from one of the
broadcasters)… where the division winners would all automatically go into
the playoffs and then you’d seed the next 10 best teams. I think that’s the
kind of proposal we need to look at. There are travel issues of course, but
in this day in age every team of course has their own plane, travels charter.
I don’t think the discussion should end there. And as I’ve said, my first
year I was studying a lot of these issues and year 2 is time to take action.
It’s something I’m going to look at closely with the competition committee.
I do think it’s an area where we need to make a change.”
我知道会有travel issues,但是现在大家都有私人飞机,
BPI: Analyzing a potential top-16 playoff system
These changes have big implications for who is likely to make the Finals.
Under the current conference system, four teams have a 20 percent or better
chance of making the NBA Finals