[外絮] 金块聘请Malone, Cousins: 极度的高兴

楼主: UrThereNow (老皮老板)   2015-06-19 09:36:42
CBSSports http://goo.gl/LgvTbn
It's no secret that DeMarcus Cousins was upset that the Sacramento Kings
fired Michael Malone back in December. The center called the season a
"complete circus," and never said a negative word about Malone before or
after the coaching change. After the Denver Nuggets made Malone their new
head coach, Cousins again voiced his support.
众所皆知, Cousins对于国王在去年12月开除Mike Malone感到不悦. 这位中锋把本季形容为
一个完整的 "马戏团". 不管是在Malone被开除之前或是之后, Cousins都未曾对他有负面的
评论. 现在丹佛金块任命Malone为新教头, 而Cousins也表达了他的支持.
"I was extremely happy," he said, via the Sacramento Bee's Jason Jones. "I
think he's one of the better coaches in the league. He's a great man.
"我极度的高兴," 他说, "我认为他是联盟里其中之一的好教练. 他是个很棒的人."
"I learned a lot from him, and I'm just happy he's getting an opportunity to
do what he loves," Cousins continued. "Like I said, you can't keep a good man
"我从他那学了很多, 我很高兴他得到机会去做他热爱的事," Cousins继续说. "就像我之前
讲的, 你无法限制住让像他这样的一个好人."
作者: sampsonlu919 (欢迎所有球队教训旧金山)   2015-06-19 09:38:00
金块高层也没好到哪里去 因为有人就是从国王跳的就算扣除那个从国王跳槽的人 金块管理阶层整体的表现 也会让人想骂脏话不过金块一哥Ty Lawson现在可是巴不得想跳槽

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