djviva (时鼠无奈)
2015-06-02 17:42:56LeBron James vs. Stephen Curry: More than meets the eye
詹皇 vs 咖哩! 更多你不知道的事 http://tinyurl.com/oehxkg3
The temptation here is to paint these NBA Finals as the legendary,
experienced player against the upstart underdog.
本季总冠军赛的魅力,就在于天之骄子的詹皇 vs 咸鱼翻身的咖哩
LeBron James is legendary — whatever happens in these finals and future
ones, he will go down as one of the greats to play the game. He is
experienced, this being his fifth consecutive Finals. He is as physically
gifted a player as the NBA has ever seen, but one who also has an incredibly
high basketball IQ. His stardom was pegged and followed by the time he was a
high school sophomore.
喇叭詹是NBA的传奇, 无论这季跟未来的季后赛如何如何, 他都会打出他伟大的比赛.
他充满了总冠军赛经验, 这次是他连续五季打入Finals了, 他也是NBA有史以来充满天赋
罕见的天之骄子, 更何况他还具有着极高的篮球智商, 在他高中时期, 他那伟大的篮球
Stephen Curry was an underdog — the skinny shooter couldn’t get big time
colleges (or even a lot of mid-majors) interested in him, so he decided to go
to Davidson. He led that school to the best seasons in program history. He
entered the NBA Draft as an underdog, pegged by many as just a shooter he
fell to seventh before being picked up. But teams underestimated his will to
get better, for example how good a ball handler he would become. He’s a guy
fans relate to because he wasn’t given superlative physical gifts, he had to
work for it — he’s how many fans like to see themselves.
反观Curry, 以前的他就只是个落水狗般无人闻问的小咖, 身材瘦小的他得不到大学名校
的青睐, 但他转去就读的Davidson大学却在Curry的领导下打出校史最佳的球赛成绩; 可
是进入NBA后, 他还是无法在选秀上获得大量的注目只被当作一名好射手看待, 球队们都
低估了Curry在篮球上渴望变得更好的决心, 像是他想要成为一名极出色的控球者. 球迷
们爱他, 因为他不是那种天生就有极其出色天赋的球员, 而是得辛勤努力才能构上"出色"
的凡人, 球迷们看着Curry就像看到自己一样
But that is just the surface of these two players. Just the part of the
iceberg you can see.
但这只是詹皇跟Curry表面上给人的印象, 就像冰山一样, 海面下的更多
This pairing is much, much more than that. Both players are much more than
that. Which is why they are at the heart of what makes this a compelling
NBA Finals.
These men are more than just their simple caricatures.
If you paint LeBron as the guy pre-ordained for greatness, as the Goliath in
this situation, you overlook his difficult upbringing. More than one talented
young man got lost on a road far less bumpy, and with far fewer turns, than
the one LeBron had growing up the son of a single mother in lower income
areas of Akron.
如果你只是把喇叭詹看做像哥利亚那样天生巨人的话, 你就忽略了他成长背景的种种艰
辛, 许多具有天赋的年轻人往往在成长过程中迷失自己, 其中只有极少数能够浪子回头
金不换, 更别说喇叭詹还是由他妈妈在贫困中独自抚养长大的
If you paint Curry as the underdog who overcame incredible odds, you overlook
that his father was an NBA player. Curry guy who grew up comfortable and
around the best in the game. He had the advantage of that privilege.
如果你也只把Curry视作克服种种困难的underdog, 那你也忽略了他老爸曾经是NBA球员
这件事, 他在舒适环境中成长, 并且一直都因此获得优势
LeBron certainly had advantages as he grew into an NBA player — only Wilt
Chamberlain was this much more physically gifted than his peers. Curry
certainly had rough times and struggles that he had to work hard to overcome.
The caricatures of these men are not entirely wrong.
放眼NBA历史, 也只有张大帅有过比他更出色的天赋, Curry则是努力克服了种种考验才
来到今日的身手, 真的不豪洨
But they are much more than first brush stroke.
They also are the two most popular players in the NBA right now.
他们俩还刚好是现在NBA最受欢迎的前两名球员! (Kobe: 没我??)
There are a lot of ways to measure the popularity of a player. There’s how
many All-Star Game votes he gets, for one. Or, you can judge by jersey sales
because those are fans willing to plunk down the money to put a guys name on
their back.
有很多种评估球员受欢迎程度的方法, 像是全明星赛得到几票, 球衣热卖程度之类的
However you try to get there, you end up in the same place: LeBron James and
Stephen Curry.
但无论你怎样评估, 前两名都是喇叭詹 & Curry
They were 1-2 in All-Star vote getting this season. And they are 1-2 in
jersey sales.
明星赛 & 球衣热卖程度, 他们俩都分别是一二名
LeBron has been at the top for a while, Curry is new to all this (but handles
it in stride, like you would expect of the son of a former NBA player). They
are both good in interviews and let the public have glimpses into their
families and lives, humanizing them as more than just a name on your fantasy
这荣耀詹皇已经享受好几年了, 而Curry则是今年窜起的新星, 他们俩受访时都表现良好
, 也都让大家乐于参与他们的家庭跟生活, 让球迷觉得他们两不仅仅只是NBA球员
Fans love them for all of it.
They also are arguably the two toughest players to guard in the league — but
they dominate the game in very different ways.
同时他们俩也可以说是全NBA最难以防守的球员, 但他们俩宰制比赛的方式却截然不同
LeBron can beat defenders almost any way he wants, drive past bigger ones on
the perimeter or back down smaller ones into the post. That (and key injuries
to teammates) is why he has worked much more in isolation these playoffs. His
combination of size and speed — along with a steady jumper — allow him to
get his shot even when the help defender comes. However, when the defense
rotates his passes will find the right open man.
喇叭詹可以随心所欲的击溃对位的防守者, 从半场就用切入超过防他的大个子, 或是在
低位单打比他矮小的人, 这就是为什么季后赛他iso打更多的原因, 既有体格又有速度,
搭配上稳定的跳投, 这些技巧让他即使在遭遇协防时都能稳定出手, 此外, 当对手的防
守轮转起来时, 他还能把球传给有空档的队友
Curry has smooth handles that can create just a little bit of daylight
against even the best defender — and that’s all he needs to get off the
prettiest shot in the game. Curry is especially dangerous because he can work
with the ball or be just as dangerous (and draw defenders) working off it, on
cuts and screens. He rarely works in isolation, he’s a much better fit in a
modern offense using ball screens to create space. Plus, he also is a gifted
passer who will find the open man.
Curry行云流水般的控球让他能在严如铁壁的防守中找出一小缝空档, 对他来说, 真的
一小缝就够他出手命中球了, 控球中的Curry对敌队来说格外危险, 无球跑动时的他也
同样无法令敌对卸下防备心. Curry很少打iso, 他在队友帮档清出空间时打得更好,
One more thing LeBron and Curry have in common: They are seen as the saviors
of long-suffering fan bases.
但他们俩个现在都有一个共通点, 就是各自球队久久没有夺冠这苦情命运的救世主
The last time the Golden State Warriors won an NBA title was 40 years ago,
led by Rick Barry. The Warriors have had some of the loudest and most loyal
fans in the league — this team went through a couple of decades of terrible
ownership prior to the current group buying the team, yet the fans continued
to show up. Warriors fans stuck with their team through years of rough times.
勇士上次夺冠年前Rick Barry阿公带队时
The last time any team won any title in Northeast Ohio Lyndon B. Johnson was
president and was talking about the just-released Warren Report on the
assassination of President Kennedy. “Dr. Strangelove” had just entered the
theaters. Bob Dylan was just becoming popular as a singer/songwriter. It has
been more than half a century since a title came to the greater Cleveland
area — which has always been a special burden for LeBron.
对骑士来说这就更久了, 甘迺迪总统, Bob Dylan时代去了
Of course, basketball remains a team sport — and the better team will hoist
the Larry O’Brien trophy in a couple weeks. It’s not simply LeBron James
vs. Stephen Curry, it’s the ability of teammates to help defend those two.
The gravity of LeBron and Curry to draw defenders opens up things for their
teammates, the question is which teammates are knocking down open shots and
making plays while the defenses zero in on those stars.
当然篮球仍是各团队运动, 更好的队伍才能荣获冠军金杯, 总冠军不仅仅只是喇叭詹跟
Curry两人之间的胜负, 得看彼此的队友们能提供多少协助, 詹皇跟Curry都能吸引不少
协防让队友们产生空档, 所以重点就在于空档接球的队友, 是否能顺利把球投进, 或是
But it is LeBron vs. Curry that will capture the nation’s imagination and
attention for a couple weeks. It’s those two who we know will give us some
highlight plays. They are the faces of their franchises.
但当然啦, 接下来几周球迷们的目光还是会在喇叭詹跟Curry身上, 他们俩肯定会在接下
来的日子里不停的为大家送上炫目迷人的篮球秀的, 毕竟他们都是骑士勇士的脸面咩
This will go down as the LeBron vs. Curry NBA Finals. The only question is
which one will get the Finals MVP Award.
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