cat0806 (Cater)
2015-05-31 14:19:36NBA Players
We Want Our Weed!!!
It's Time For The League To Legalize
5/30/2015 12:45 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF
10 out of 10 active NBA players believe it's time to LEGALIZE medicinal
marijuana in the NBA ... and the recent video of Kevin Durant dropping
prescription pot in L.A. is only fueling the pro-weed fire.
而近日和大麻扯上关系的则是Kevin Durant,
Here's the dilemma ... since Rx weed is already legal in several states,
should the league continue to outlaw the green stuff if a player has a
legitimate prescription from a doctor???
We asked 10 active NBA players (all of whom wanted to remain anonymous) ...
and they all made it very clear