"Maybe it wasn't on purpose," Horford said afterward, referring to Dellavedova falling near his knee, prompting Horford to retaliate with an elbow to Dellavedova's head.
"But with his track record, I just felt like it was. ...
Al 这里就说 他觉得依他过去的记录 他觉得是故意的
※ 引述《uniai940 (油腻)》之铭言:
: 原文
: "He’s only been in this league for a couple of years," Horford said. " He’s
: got to learn that at the end of the day it’s a big brotherhood here. Guys
: look out for reach other. I don’t think it was malicious, but he’s got to
: learn.
: 关键词: 我不觉得他是有恶意的(malicious)
: 本人并不觉得DELLA故意要怎样,所以是今天纬台有带到风向吗?
: 不过各方怎么说见仁见智,今天版上讨论风气有点夸张,相信理性球迷都还在
: ,其实说腿詹铁科什么的都还其次,今天还有人说像残障考公职,这真的有失
: 风度了。
: 来源:http://on.si.com/1IYK1ZL