[外絮] The pain of James Harden

楼主: Satsuki7552   2015-05-22 16:31:08
The pain of James Harden 胡子Harden的痛 http://tinyurl.com/l4j5sfz
When the buzzer sounded and the crowd, most wearing yellow shirts, started to
yell like they’ve never seen a basketball game before, James Harden was on
his hands and knees.
当哨音响起, 场边多半穿着勇士黄T shirt的球迷们开始兴奋的尖叫, 像是之前从没看过
这样精采的篮球赛似的, James Harden沮丧的跪倒在球场地板上
Harden’s head was down like he was trying to hide it in some sand. When the
Houston Rockets star got up, he slowly walked off the Oracle Arena floor and
into a dark tunnel
作者: jeffery20223 (阿哲)   2015-05-22 16:43:00
作者: CharleneTsai (给他200块去吃麦当劳啦)   2015-05-22 16:56:00
DH也怪怪的 明明知道胡子要最后一击也没帮忙挡一下
作者: melomelomelo (melo)   2015-05-22 17:04:00
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2015-05-22 17:09:00
火箭如果能0-2逆转进final. 那真有可能夺冠
作者: melomelomelo (melo)   2015-05-22 17:12:00
可惜在西区 不然痛电LBJ不成问题
作者: lookforQueen (we reign)   2015-05-22 17:52:00
平常要饭要成习惯 最后一击老是卡弹
作者: sasakihiroto (白狗)   2015-05-22 18:35:00
我家帮主很乖的 会黑他的都是林迷!!
作者: ushallseedoc (u_shall_see_a_doctor)   2015-05-22 19:01:00
作者: jason8880808   2015-05-22 19:36:00

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