RealGM Wiretap 2015/5/13
TNT has signed Charles Barkley, Ernie Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal and Kenny
Smith to multi-year extensions to continue on Inside The NBA.
TNT与Charles Barkley, Ernie Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Kenny Smith签下复数年
合约, 他们将继续待在Inside The NBA.
The news is particularly significant given Barkley has told Sports
Illustrated repeatedly over the years that he thought it would be a struggle
to complete his current contract when it expired in 2016.
这是个重要的消息, Barkley这几年来好几次告诉<<运动画刊>>, 他觉得, 当自己的合约在
2016到期时, 走完他将会有些挣扎.
"Anyone who works past 60 is an idiot (laughs),” Barkley said to last
month. “I want to travel the world. Listen, man, if people want to keep
working that’s fine. But there is going to come an age when you can’t do
stuff and have fun. So why would I want to keep working until the day I die?
You should save your money. Learn to tell your family and friends no. One of
the great travesties in sports is 70% of professional athletes go broke. It’
s a joke and it pisses me off. But I tell all my friends who don’t play
sports, 'Who wants to work when you are 65 or 70?' Sixty is my magic number.
I just turned 52 and I’m not working past 60.”
"过六十岁却还在工作的人都是笨蛋(笑)," Barkley在上个月告诉<<运动画刊>>. "我想
要环游世界. 听着, 假如人们想一直工作, 那没问题. 但到了有一定的年纪你就无法做
事及玩乐. 所以为什么我要工作到死为止呢? 你应该存自己的钱. 学习向家人及朋友说不.
体育界中最被嘲弄的事之一就是, 70%的职业运动员会破产. 这是个笑话,而这让我很不爽.
我告诉不是运动员的家人与朋友, '到了65或70岁, 你还会想工作吗?' 60是个神奇的
数字. 我才刚满52岁, 过了60岁我就不会再工作了."
Turner said Inside the NBA is frequently the second most-watched program on
cable throughout the NBA playoffs, trailing only live game coverage.
Turner(TNT)表示, Inside The NBA 是季后赛观看次数第二高的有线电视节目, 紧跟在