[外絮] Irving自从第一轮就开始带伤打球了

楼主: wilsonkoo (卷毛)   2015-05-09 16:18:09
ProBasketballTalk http://goo.gl/OTDAtT
Sean Highkin May 9, 2015
Kyrie Irving has been playing with a sore foot apparently since Game 2 of the
Cavs’ first-round sweep of the Celtics. On Friday night, he shot 3-for-13
from the field for 11 points and posted a box score line that LeBron James
told him earlier this year that he could in no uncertain terms ever record: a
no-assist game.
自从第一轮第二战对赛尔提克的比赛开始, Irving就带着他脚伤打球. 在周五晚上, 他的
命中率为为13投3中, 拿了11分. 而他留下了一个数据, 就是LeBron James告诉他不能再
有的纪录: 一个比赛中没有传出助攻.
“Kyrie has been playing hurt,” Blatt said after the game. “He has been
giving us all he has and will continue to do that. He had two great games and
today was just a little less successful. He has a sore foot and is playing
through it.”
"Kyrie带着痛楚打球," Blatt赛后表示. "他已给我们他的所有了, 而他也会继续这么做.
他之前打了两场好比赛, 而他今天只是比较不成功. 他有着脚伤且带着它继续打球."
“Probably in Game 2 of the Boston series,” Irving said when asked when he
first suffered the injury. “I have just been trying to get treatment since
then. I just have to stay ready to play. There are no excuses and I have to
play through it. Coach was trying to protect me with what he said. Tonight, I
am not hanging my head nor using a bad foot as an excuse.”
"也许是在与波士顿系列赛的第二场," 当被问到第一次受伤是何时, Irving说. "从那时候
开始我一直在尝试治疗. 我只是想保持准备然后上场. 这没有借口, 我必须带着伤
打球. 教练试图要保护我. 今晚, 我不想要有罪恶感, 或是用脚伤当作借口.
“He gave us 40 minutes on one foot,” James said. “Kyrie could have had 40
assists and if D-Rose makes that shot, we still lose. I had seven turnovers.”
“I am staying out there for my brothers,” Irving said. “I can be a decoy,
set screens and do whatever I can to help us win. I just have to get
treatment and come out and play.”
"他(Irving)用一只脚贡献我们40分钟," James说. "Kyrie也许会有40个助攻, 而假如
D-Rose命中了那球, 我们依然会输. 我自己有7个失误."
"我就在那里为着我的兄弟们," Irving说. "我可以当一个诱饵, 设screen, 或做任何能
帮助我们获胜的事. 我必须要接受治疗然后上场打球."
作者: Heimdallwind (Hermes)   2015-05-09 16:30:00
作者: prankanaudiz (阿扁巴巴大侠)   2015-05-09 17:16:00
作者: robert780110 (隆哥)   2015-05-09 17:59:00
所以酸前年湖人F4的也都是低能囉?包括去年跟今年的湖人 为什么湖人受伤怎么酸都行XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX骑士有人受伤酸就是低能?呵呵

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