来源: ESPN http://ppt.cc/kk1~
作者: Tim MacMahon 2015/4/23
Carlisle谈Rondo交易案: 值得一冒的险
DALLAS - The results of the Rajon Rondo trade were far from what the Dallas
Mavericks hoped, but coach Rick Carlisle nevertheless considers the deal "a
risk worth taking."
Rondo交易案的结果与小牛原本的期望的大相迳庭, 但是, 总教头Carlisle仍然认为那是个
"In the case of anything, there is risk, but there are risks worth taking,"
Carlisle said Thursday on ESPN Dallas 103.3 FM. "That trade was a risk worth
taking. We all agreed on that. Now, we're at a point where, hey, it's time to
move on."
"在任何的情况下都会有风险产生, 但当中有些险是值得冒的," Carlisle本日在ESPN
Dallas电台说道. "那个交易(Rondo)是个值得冒的险, 我们都同意那次的交易. 而现在
Carlisle had privately expressed concerns about how Rondo would fit into his
flow offense before the trade, but prevailing opinion was the Mavs had no
realistic chance to make a playoff run with Nelson as their starting point
guard. The front office also didn't consider any of the players sent to
Boston to be major assets in the future, particularly with Crowder and Wright
in the final year of their contracts.
在交易之前, Carlisle曾不公开的表示对于Rondo是否能适应他的进攻体系感到担心.
但众人的意见是, 一旦Nelson是小牛的先发控卫, 那他们就没有机会晋级季后赛. 而小牛
制服组不认为送去波士顿的球员会是他们未来的资产, 尤其Crowder跟Wright的合约在今年
In the regular season, the Mavs had a much lower winning percentage with
Rondo (.565, 26-20) than without him (.667, 24-12). Dallas scored
significantly fewer points when Rondo was on the floor (101.7 per 100
possessions) versus when he wasn't (106.4) after his arrival. His plus-minus
(minus-40) is by far the worst on the team.
在例行赛, 有了Rondo后小牛的胜率(.565, 26-20)远比没有他时还低(.667, 24-12).
Rondo在场上的时候(101.7分/100回合), 小牛的得分明显低于他不再场时(106.4).
Those trends only got worse during the series against Houston. The Mavs were
minus-36 during Rondo's 37 playoff minutes at the Toyota Center. Dallas
outscored the Rockets by 14 points when Rondo watched from the bench in the
two losses.
这样的趋势在对上火箭时只有变得更糟. Rondo在丰田中心打的37分钟里, 小牛的正负值是
-36. 当Rondo在那两场输的比赛坐板凳时, 小牛所得的分比火箭高14分.
"Everybody owns it," said Carlisle, who had a high-profile blowup with Rondo
in February that resulted in the point guard being suspended for one game.
"This is all part of a franchise that's accountable. The one thing I love
about Mark Cuban is that he is the ultimate example of accountability. When
he has made mistakes in the past, he jumps up and admits them and he owns
"每个人都必须承担," Carlisle表示. "这是球队负责任的一部分. 而我喜欢Cuban的一点
就是他身为一个负责任的表率. 当他以前做错事的时候, 他会马上站出来承认错误, 并且
The disappointing results and premature ending of Rondo's run in Dallas has
reminded many Mavs fans of a mistake that Cuban has called the worst of his
15-year ownership tenure: trading a protected first-round pick to the Los
Angeles Lakers for Lamar Odom in December 2011.
Rondo在达拉斯的这段期间以令人失望的结局落幕, 让许多小牛球迷想起那个Cuban称是
15年来最糟糕的一次失误: 2011为了湖人队的Odom送走受保护的第一轮签.
Cuban, citing his policy against granting interviews during the playoffs,
declined to comment about Rondo on Thursday.
Carlisle said he accepted his share of the blame for the Rondo failure.
However, asked what he would do differently in hindsight, Carlisle said,
"I think we all did what we could do, and I think he did what he could do,"
Carlisle said. "Now, it's over and we've got to move our attention to Game 3.
It's just the way it went."
而Cuban在季后赛时有不接受访问的规则, 在本日(四)拒绝对Rondo做出评论.
Carlisle表示接受自己在Rondo交易案失败的批评. 然而, 当问到他会对这次的事件会做出
什么样的调整, 他说: "Nothing."
"我想我们都做了自己能做的事, 而他(Rondo)也做了他能做的." Carlisle说. "现在一切
都结束了, 而我们必须将注意力转移到第三战. 这就是宿命."