[外絮] 美国两室友为了Jordan VS. LeBron而斗殴

楼主: cat0806 (Cater)   2015-04-20 13:06:07
Argument between roommates over LeBron, MJ ends with assault charges
Steven J. Gaither Perform Media RSS
April 19, 2015 9:04pm EDT
The debate never ends. At times, it can get heated. One iteration took a
violent turn Saturday morning, when an argument over the best basketball
player of all-time led to a fight between Penn State roomates in State
College, Pa., according to The Daily Collegian.
美国时间周六早上,宾夕法尼亚州立大学两名室友为了争论“Jordan VS. LeBron”
Daniel Mondelice, 22, was arrested and charged with felony aggravated
assault, terroristic threats and simple assault, following a fight with his
roommate at their apartment. The condition of the roommate was not made clear
in the report.
最后,22岁的Daniel Mondelice被警方以严重攻击,威胁恐吓的罪名逮捕。
Later that day, after he was released by police, Mondelice wore out his
welcome with a group of women who took him in for a short time. When they
called the police, he was aprehended again and charged with criminal
trespassing and harassment.
作者: melomelomelo (melo)   2015-04-20 13:11:00
搞不好是为了女性友人打架 硬要扯别的原因
作者: spectroscopy   2015-04-20 13:12:00
作者: penolove5566 (轻划)   2015-04-20 13:14:00
Kobe >>>> MJ >>>>>LBJ
作者: melomelomelo (melo)   2015-04-20 13:15:00
詹迷要CALL KOBE救援了老大COVER LBJLBJ迷也是有女性的 别小看他小输WADEROSE帅多了说Oden有可能
作者: goldensnitch (金探子)   2015-04-20 16:21:00
他一定是被骂跟喇不浪有一腿 义愤行凶

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