来源: Sporting News http://ppt.cc/TuZz
作者: Ron Clements 2015/4/17
NBA commissioner Adam Silver said Friday the league will not make any changes
to its current playoff format.
"It's early days in these discussions," Silver said, via USA Today, following
the second day of owners' meetings in New York. "This was the first serious
meeting among all our board members on this subject, and the result was I
would say inconclusive as to where we should ultimately go.
Silver今日表示: 我们不会对晋级季后赛的规则做更改
他在访问中表示: "这已经讨论一段时间了." 他之后又在NBA球队拥有者大会中说明:
"这是我们在会议第一次讨论这个议题, 但即使大家目前有些共识, 我们还不会这么快就
"It's not to say we don't think there should be a change. This is one of
these issues that's going to require a fair amount of discussion and study,
not just directly among the owners in the big room but with committees as
"这不代表我们不想改变, 只是评估这样的一个议题需要很长一段时间, 我们必须进行更多
的讨论, 或是制度上的研究, 而不是我们关起门说了算就行了, 还必须经过委员会的讨论,
There had been some talk about ensuring the teams with the best records make
the playoffs, regardless of conference. Two teams in the Western Conference,
the Thunder and Suns, finished with better records than the Nets, the Eastern
Conference's eighth seed. The Thunder's 45 wins would have been good for
sixth in the East.
有些声音提出, 应单纯以战绩决定季后赛席次, 而取消分区制度. 好比说今年的太阳与
雷霆, 成绩都比东区第八种子的篮网好, 但他们却无法打季后赛. 假如把雷霆排入东区
的话, 他们将排到第六名.
"You often have anomalies where there are inequities, this notion that you
have a team or two under .500 also. Our analytics folks showed us with the 16
teams out of 30 making the playoffs, statistically you are likely to have a
team or two potentially that are under .500 who do make the playoffs," Silver
said. "There are also owners who like the notion of tradition, and Silver
pointed out, this year's playoff seeds and qualification wasn't determined
until the final day of the season."
Silver: "一定会有不公平的产生, 从30支队伍取16支进入季后赛的标准来看, 我们
算出其中就有可能会有一到两支球队胜率不到五成. 而也有些球对老板喜欢现有的制度."
他又指出一点: "看看今年的季后赛, 许多排名可是到最后一刻才揭晓."
Owners also want to wait until they know how the new television contract
impacts the increase in the salary cap before they approve any changes to the
draft lottery.
"There's still a sense we need to make a change but until we know what the
team behavior is going to be with all this new cap room, we hold it and wait
and look holistically at the whole system," Silver told reporters.
在动他们的选秀签之前, NBA球队老板们想先知道电视合约对于提升薪资帽的议题.
Silver: "我们已经意识到这点了, 但必须先了解大家对薪资空间的想法, 我们会先等等,
The NBA could also reduce the number of preseason games and begin the 2016-17
season earlier, as long as teams have sufficient practice time.
The league will reduce the number of games played on consecutive nights
during the regular season from an average of 19 times to 16 back-to-backs.
Teams also played four games in five days an average of three times and that
will be reduced by one starting next season.
Silver表示2016-17赛季, 为了让球队有充足的训练时间, 将可能减少季前赛场次, 但赛季
在下一个球季, b2b的场次将会减少, 从原本平均19场降至16场, 而五天四战的机会也会
降低, 从平均3次降为1次.
心得: 推Silver, 制度可不是说改就改, 要想的真的还很多