来源: SB Nation

作者: Jesus Gomez 2015/4/10
The Houston Rockets ran into an inspired Spurs team playing its best ball, and
lost by 12 points on Wednesday after trailing by as much as 22. While any
lopsided loss against a playoff team this late in the season might be a cause
for concern, the real problem for the Rockets is how thoroughly San Antonio
exposed the absences of Patrick Beverley and Donatas Motiejunas.
火箭被最近状火热的马刺击败, 而且整场最大差距还输22分, 这不是个好消息, 尤其是
季后赛就要到了. 而火箭的问题就在于他们让马刺成功紧咬Beverley跟Motiejunas缺阵
Tony Parker was in attack mode after seeing that Jason Terry was tasked with
guarding him, and Parker sliced through the defense to the tune of 27 points.
San Antonio outscored the Rockets by 13 points when backup center Joey Dorsey
was on the court during the first three quarters of the game and made a run
by intentionally fouling him in the first half. The way the Spurs attacked
those obvious flaws was calculated and vicious.
Terry限制不住Parker导致后者火力全开, Parker全场拿了27分. 而当山寨魔兽上场的时候
马刺整整拿了比火箭多13分, 部分原因是使用骇客战术. 对于利用这些弱点, 马刺可以说
Since March 25, the day Motiejunas joined Beverley in the inactive list, the
Rockets have allowed almost 106 points per 100 possessions, six more than
before the injuries. That's a similar defensive rating as the Orlando
Magic's. The Rockets have been winning on offensive talent alone lately, but
the rotation Kevin McHale has been using won't cut it, not against good
teams. The Rockets need to figure out a way to improve on defense while not
getting significantly worse on offense, or their championship aspirations are
in real danger.
自从3/25, D-Mo继Beverley也缺阵之后, 火箭让对手在每一百回合拿了106分, 比先前
这两位伤兵还在时多出了6分, 这防守表现跟联盟后段的魔术差不多, 最近几场火箭夺下
胜利的比赛都只靠着他们优异的进攻, 而McHale现在所排的轮替阵容实在太过度依赖
进攻了, 不过对上弱队这并不是个大问题. 在他们哪一天进攻真的严重当机之前,
McHale必须找到方式改善防守, 否则夺得冠军就将可能只是个梦.
While there are traditional options to explore such as starting Pablo
Prigioni instead of Terry or giving rookie Clint Capella a shot, there are
also some unorthodox options the Rockets should consider trying. All make the
Rockets more like their rivals in Golden State.
比较于传统的做法拉Prigioni上先发或者是给菜鸟Capela一点点机会, 火箭可以做一些
更大胆的选择, 比如参考他们竞争对手勇士所排的阵容.
Lineups without a traditional point guard
If neither Terry not Prigioni step up their game, the Rockets could get
creative and have Corey Brewer take some of their minutes in a three-wing
lineup with Harden and Ariza. Ariza has used his length well in the past to
defend point guards and while Brewer is not a shooting threat, he can provide
a jolt of energy with his disruptive defense that could make up for his
offensive shortcomings. If nothing else, it would help the Rockets deal with
switches better, as they would have similarly sized players in the perimeter
like Golden State does with Andre Iguodala and Shaun Livingston.
当Terry或Prigioni状况皆不好的时候, 火箭可以采取比较创新的方式, 将Brewer拉上来,
与Harden, Ariza形成三侧翼的组合, 以Ariza来说, 他能利用身高优势给予控卫威胁,
而Brewer虽不擅长投射, 不过他可以截长补短, 利用自己强烈的防守能量弥补进攻缺陷.
而除此之外这也可让攻防轮转更加优异, 此策略就像勇士排Iguodala与Livingston同时
在场的阵容, 让身高显得更有优势.
Unlike the Warriors, the Rockets' wings are not good at creating shots.
Having only one perimeter playmaker on the court is not ideal, but if Josh
Smith is also part of the lineup, the Rockets have another player that can
initiate offense. For all his flaws, Smith is an underrated passer and
ball-handler for his position and has proved he can run the occasional pick
and roll both in his time in Atlanta and a few times in Houston. Putting the
ball in his hands always carries the risk that he'll shoot it, but his
mismatch potential is more valuable to the Rockets than a steady hand.
但毕竟与勇士队还是不一样, 火箭的侧翼并不擅长组织进攻. 只有Harden一个并不是
很理想, 但假如Josh此时也在场的话, 他也可以分担一些进攻发动者工作, 以同位置来说,
Josh的传球与控球能力都被低估了, 他早在亚特兰大时期就证明自己可以发动些挡拆,
但他在休士顿却很少这么做, 因为当球在他手上时, 他很有可能就自己投掉了,但他在错位
Lineups without a traditional center
The problem at point guard is bad enough to severely hurt the Rockets'
championship aspirations, but it's only compounded by their hole at backup
center. Dorsey doesn't offer much on the offensive side and is such a bad
free throw shooter that teams will intentionally foul him when he's on the
court just like San Antonio did on Wednesday. The other option the Rockets