[讨论] 大帝分析的原文

楼主: carrothead (イズミ)   2015-04-11 02:44:15
what greatness? Regular season accomplishments don't matter at all. Thats not
theres a reason the regular season player played garbage in all of his Finals
losses where it actually matters
and no, 2014 where he played no defense and padded his stats in garbage time
was not impressive at all
He got outplayed by a role player in the last 3 games
Games 3-4-5
- Leonard 23.7 ppg on 69%
- out rebounded LeBron (9.3 - 7.7)
- out stole LeBron (2.0 - 1.7)
- out blocked LeBron (2.0 - 0.7)
in 7 less minutes than LeBron
- and LeBron over double the turnovers as Leonard
and Game 5
LeBron = 1-6 shooting when Leonard guarded him
only 1 FG in 2nd quarter
did not score again until 4:40 left in the 3rd quarter and down 21
Heat 4 losses = LeBron scored 48% of his points after being down 15+.
Typical stat padder
No top 10 player has ever got showed up by a role player in the Finals and he
did twice in 2011 and 2014.
LeBron = the forward version of Wilt Chamberlain
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No excuses about not enough help in 2014 Finals for LeBron
Wade = won 2006 Finals
- with all his teammates scoring less than Wade/Bosh in 2014 Finals
- number 1 scorer was 39% Antoine Walker
- scored/assisted 46% of his team points
- actually played defense, clutch block to end Game 3, lockdown on Terry to
force OT in Game 5, clutch steal with under 20 secs left in Game 6
- Unlike LeBron, Wade doesnt get showed up by role players in his prime.
Jason terry is just too much for LeBron to handle
- Too bad LeBron cant take notes from someone who actually knows how to carry
a struggling team to the title
- won with 0 HoF and 0 all stars in 1994 - only player to do that
- had to carry his loser team in every 5 category for 4 rounds - only player
to ever do that
- every teammate in 1994 Finals = less ppg. than Wade/Bosh in 2014 Finals
- top 3 scorers = 32%, 37%, 42% FG = all worse than Wade/Bosh 2014
- loser team couldn't crack 95 points in any of the 7 games
- carried those losers to the win by shutting down Ewing in all but one game,
and the game winning block in Game 6
LeBron = will never be close to Hakeem's level.
Regular season = does not matter
- scored/assisted 50% of his team points in the 1997 Finals
- series tied 2-2, Pippen plays crap in Games 5+6
- 20 ppg on 32%, average more TO and fouls than assists in Games 5+6
- Games 5+6 = MJ score/assist 55% of the team points with 2 game winning
plays to win the title. thats how you carry a team
Flu Game 5
- Rodman = fouled out in 23 mins
- Ostertag = outrebounded all the Bulls
MJ = led his team in pts ast stl for Game 5 with 38-7-5-3 and the game winner
Game 6 = Pippen shots jacks 23 points on 35%, 2 ast to 5 TO and 5 fouls
Malone Stock Russ Hornacek outscore all of Jordan teammates besides Pippen
MJ = leads the team in pts reb ast and the game winning assist
Jordan = Pippen injured in 98 for half the season
MJ = carries team to 62 wins, top 3 defense
Pippen = injured again in Game 6 of Finals missing most of the game
MJ = scores over half their points and the game winner in his last game with
MJ = 36-9 (0.800) without Rodman in 95/96 + 96/97
MJ = 32-12 (0.727) without Pippen in 6 title seasons
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LeBron = can't carry a team to the title if they struggle, unlike real legends
"Oh...but he carried Cavs to the 2007 Finals!!!!!"
2007 Cavs = top 5 defense
2007 Cavs = 3-1 without LeBron
2007 Cavs = locked down Spurs 12 ppg below their season average in the Finals
2007 Cavs = locked down Duncan 10% lower than his reg season FG% in the Finals
road to Finals = two teams without a winning record
41-41 Wiz (no Arenas/Butler) + 41-41 Nets
only time in history anybody made the Finals by beating two teams without a
winning record
beat 53-29 Pistons with
- no HoF Coach Larry Brown
(Pistons never lost a playoff series under Brown besides Game 7 vs Spurs)
- no 4x DPOY Ben Wallace
(LeBron couldn't beat him when he was there)
Exposed by Spurs in 2007 Finals
36% FG, 6 turnovers a game
3 games decided in single digits thanks to Cavs defense
LeBron defense? = outscored by Tony Parker 24.5 ppg on 57%
Tony Parker 2004 Playoffs before Gary Payton = 21 ppg + 8.5 apg on 53%
35 year old Gary Payton = shut down Parker to 38% FG in 2004 WCSF, including
0% FG when guarded by Payton in Game 4
Youtube - "Gary Payton shuts down Tony Parker"
LeBron = cant even play D like 35 year old Payton
Game 3 = missed game winner
Game 4 = 2-6 FT, 6 turnovers, 20 bricks, 33% FG, only lost by 1 point
Moses Malone = carried 40-42 team to 1981 Finals
without a top 10 offense/defense
beat REAL competition in 1981
- defending champ Magic/Kareem Lakers
- out rebounded and outscored Kareem in playoffs
- Gervin Spurs
- actually showed up in the Finals, pushed Cs to 6 games
- shot 40%, but better than his teammates who shot even worse in 1981 Finals
- LeBron shot worse than his teammates in the 2007 Finals
Moses = way better
Dr. J = 0-3 Finals before Moses
Dr. J = 12-1 playoffs and title first year with Moses
Wade = won without LeBron
Wade = cost a Finals MVP thanks to LeBron in 2011
Give Moses a top 5 Cavs defense and they sweep that garbage east and easily
crush the Spurs in the Finals, who never beat any team with a good center
since D-Rob retired.
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Lebron Not Top10 All-time. 1 周前
2007 vs Spurs
- Spurs averaged 98.5 ppg in regular season, Cavs defense held them to 86.5
ppg. Spurs had a 12 ppg decrease against Cavs defense.
- Cavs defense hold Duncan to 45% shooting after 55% in regular season.
- Game 1 - Lebron 14 pts on 25% shooting, 7 rebs and 4 assist to 6 turnovers.
Cavs only lose by 9
- Game 3 - Lebron 25 pts on 39%, 7 ast to 5 turnovers. Cavs only lose by 3 as
Lebron missed game-tying 3
- Game 4 - 24 pts on 30 shots (33% shooting), 10 ast to 6 turnovers. Cavs
only lose by 1 as Lebron goes 2/6 from the FT line.
2008 vs Celtics
- Cavs defense shut down Celtics to 84 ppg for the ECSF after they averaged
100 ppg in the regular season. Celtics had a 16 ppg decrease against Cavs
- Game 1 - Lebron 2/18 shooting with 10 turnovers. In the 4th quarter, he had
1-8 FG, 0 FT, 2 points, and went 0/4 FG in the final minute including a
missed game tying shot attempt with 10 seconds left. Cavs only lose by 4
after being forced to foul. "Never had any help"
- Game 3 - Lebron 21-5-8 on 31% shooting, Delonte West has 21-5-7 on 64%
shooting, and Celtics get shut down to 84 points by Cavs defense.
- Game 4 - Lebron 35% shooting and Cavs still get the win because the Cavs
defense shuts down Celtics to 77 points on 39% shooting
- Game 6 - Lebron 39% shooting and 6 assists to 8 turnovers. Cavs still win
because their defense shut down Boston to 69 points
Boston averaged 100 ppg in the regular season and the Cavs defense never let
the Celtics reach 100 points once in the 7 game series. "LeBron did it all by
- Game 7 - Lebron has a great game of 45-5-6-2 on 48%. Too bad his overrated
defense got exposed and cost them the game as he allowed Pierce to drop
41-4-5-2 on 57% and send him home. This was the only time that LeBron
consistently guarded Pierce in the series, and was lit up as expected.
2009 vs Magic - The only time LeBron didnt have help besides 2006
2010 vs Celtics
- Cavs are up 2-1, then in the next 3 games combined Lebron averages 34%
shooting with 8 assists to 6 turnovers a game, and the Cavs go 0-3 and get
sent home
"LeBron always showed up in every single game. He is never to blame"
Lebron fans love to mention the Cavs going from 61 to 19 wins after LeBron
left, but they never mention the injuries to Williams, Jamison, and Varejao
for large portions of the season, as well as Shaq and Ilgauskus leaving and
the Cavs bringing in a new coach. Half the team was gone or injured.
The Cavs had a top 10 defense every year from 2005/06 to 2009/10. After all
those pieces were injured or left, the Cavs fell to a top 10 worst defense in
the league. Sorry, but LeBron by himself isn't responsible for all of the
Cavs' success. Especially since now, he rejoined the Cavs and they have a not
top 10 ppg allowed defense and top 10 worst Drtg as of the 2015 All-star
2011 vs Mavs
- D-Wade averaged 27-7-5 on 55% for the series and would have won Finals MVP
if it wasn't for Lebron
- The Heat defense held Dirk under 42% shooting for the series
- Bosh outscored Lebron and outrebounded him
- Terry, a bench player, outscored Lebron 18.5 to 17.8 ppg, and this was
while playing 11 less mpg than LeBron. He basically spotted LeBron an entire
quarter and still outscored him, and also nailed the sealing shot in his face
during Game 5.
- Game 2 - Lebron 2 pts, 0/4 in 4th quarter and Heat only lose by 2
- Game 3 - Lebron 2 pts, 1/3 in 4th quarter and Heat still win
- Game 4 - Lebron 0 pts, 0/1 in 4th quarter and Mavs only win by 3. LeBron
had 8 pts the whole game
- Game 5 - Lebron 2pts, 1/4 in 4th quarter, and Heat were only down 4 with 35
secs left, before Terry nailed the 3 in the face of LeBron's overrated
defense to seal the game
Didn't have enough help? More like he wasn't good enough in the first place.
2014 vs Spurs
- everybody blames the Heat defense, but forget that LeBron is on the Heat
defense, too. Lebron got outplayed by Kahwi Leonard in Games 3-4-5 of the
- Lebron allowed 13 ppg Kawhi Leonard to average 23.7 ppg on 69% in Games
3-4-5 of Finals
- Lebron also got out rebounded by Leonard 9.3 to 7.7 in those 3 games.
LeBron also had more than twice as many turnovers (3.7 to 1.7)
- Lebron also was held to 5 points on 1-6 shooting when guarded by Leonard in
Game 5
- In Game 5, Lebron had a big 1st quarter but only 2 FTs of his 1st quarter
outburst came when guarded by Leonard
- Lebron only had 1 FG in the entire 2nd quarter (which was the only FG he
made on Leonard, at the 2:30 mark of the quarter) to bring them within 5. The
next time he scored, the Spurs were up 21 points with 4:40 left in the 3rd.
Way to deliver when it matters, Lebron.
- Lebron scored over 1/3 of his ppg when the Spurs were already up 15+ in
blowout situations. That's including Game 2 where he dropped 35 points and
the Heat were never down 15+.
- If you take out game 2, and look at only the 4 Heat losses, Lebron scored
48% of his points when the Heat were already blown out by 15+. Almost HALF of
his points came when the game was already slipping well out of reach
- This proves that Lebron stats don't tell the whole story, since he didnt
produce in the key moments were the games were turning in the Spurs favor.
Just like he didn't do it in 2011
- Lebron only produced afterwards when the game was already slipping out of
reach, and he just padded his stats. In other words, over 1/3 of his ppg were
meaningless, and in the 4 losses, almost half of his ppg was meaningless.
- Lebron - only won the NBA Finals in 2012 and 2013 when he averaged 21+
shots a game. When he took only 15 shots a game in 2011 and only 18 shots a
game in 2014, he lost both times. Proof that he should have been more
aggressive instead of worrying about padding his FG%.
- Lebron's FG% in 2012 (47%) and 2013 (45%) when he won the NBA Finals were
lower than his FG% in 2011 (48%) and 2014 (57%), so pointing at Lebron's high
FG% doesn't prove that he was helping his team.
In the Last 3 games (3-4-5) of 2014 Finals
- Lebron allowed 13 ppg Kawhi Leonard to average 23.7 ppg on 69% in Games
3-4-5 of Finals - much more efficient than Lebron's 27 ppg on 55% in those 3
games (14% FG difference)
- Lebron also got out rebounded by Leonard 9.3 rpg to 7.7 rpg in those 3 games
- Leonard also outstole Lebron in those 3 games 2.0 spg to 1.7 spg
- Leonard also outblocked Lebron in those 3 games 2.0 bpg to 0.7 bpg
- LeBron also had more than twice as many turnovers (3.7 to 1.7)
Youtube = "Leonard expose LeBron defense"
In those last 3 games, Leonard outrebounded, outblocked, outstole Lebron,
shot MUCH more efficiently (14% FG higher than Lebron) and Lebron committed
more than twice as many turnovers. Also, whereas Lebron could never guard
Leonard, Leonard held Lebron to 1-6 shooting in Game 5 when he guarded him
LeBron didn't have enough help? Nope. He's just not good enough to get the
job done if his team struggles, unlike the real legends.
作者: chaocheng812 (Charlie)   2015-04-11 03:14:00
好啦 不是你写的 好棒

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