来源: Sports Illustrated http://ppt.cc/hWQD
Kevin Love spends much of the year on the hardwood, but for chunks of his
off-season it's a floor where sneakers are not allowed. Basketballs are
replaced with foam blocks, and instead of shouting coaches, Love focuses on
the soothing voice of yoga instructor Kent Katich.
"Yoga has given me a newfound balance, strength and endurance," the 6'10",
240-pound Cavaliers forward says. "And my body has leaned out because of it."
Love在球场上征战了有段岁月了, 但他在休赛季的时候, 他不再大声地与教练沟通, 他选
择暂时放下篮球, 换成了瑜珈垫, 因为Love正专心的与瑜珈老师Katich学习.
Love本人表示: "瑜珈使我的身体更加精实, 除此之外, 他还帮助我建立新的肢体平衡,
力量, 以及韧性."
The use of yoga in the NBA isn't cutting edge (Walt Frazier took it up in the
'70s), but Katich, who works with dozens of pros, from former NBAer Reggie
Miller to soccer star Jermaine Jones, hopes to make the ancient practice
mainstream in sports by targeting the needs of individual athletes to improve
performance and prevent injuries. For Love, that means flexibility and
stretching; for former NFL running back Eddie George, it means a workout that
emphasizes strength and explosiveness.
瑜珈自从70年代就在NBA开始流行, 但Katich