cat0806 (Cater)
2015-04-02 12:19:58Jeremy Lin Set to Join The Dallas Mavericks Next Season
by Jason Lee 12h ago
The last week has been a wild go around as NBA lottery-bound teams are
starting to look toward this year’s offseason. This includes the Los Angeles
Lakers, who are set to miss their second straight postseason and are looking
to off-load some of their current players. One of them destined for a change
scenery is Jeremy Lin, who hasn’t quite fit in in Lakerland but has plenty
of Linsanity still in the tank.
Mavs’ owner Mark Cuban is apparently intrigued at the possibility of
bringing Lin to Big D. Mavs’ announcer Mark Followill, a trusted source in
the Dallas Mavericks community, broke the surprising news this morning.
转播小牛赛事的主播Mark Followill爆出了猛料,
小牛老板Mark Cuban最有可能签下Lin。
“Was just about to brush my teeth before Mark Cuban called me he is bringing
Jeremy Lin to Metroplex next season. Unprecedented and unconfirmed reports
this is!” #Linsanity – @MFollowill
Mark Followill说:“今早当我要正要刷牙时,Cuban打电话给我说,