shu2001 (魑魅魍魉)
2015-04-01 11:00:24这边可以看出lebron的格局 高度 他真的是长大了
没错 真正的职业球员打NBA的目的是拿冠军
要交朋友 去念EMBA 像吴奇隆那样 表面上说是进修 实际上不就是去认识更多有钱人
看看能不能套交情 以后吃好互相报? 是否?
此外 好友太多也是矫情
一个能跟大家都是好友的人 反面来看 其实是一个好友也没有!!
※ 引述《kenny1300175 (苏湖)》之铭言:
: LeBron James Says He Has '3 Very Good Friends' in the NBA, Rest Are 'Teammates'
: By Kyle Newport , Featured Columnist Mar 31, 2015
: People get so infatuated with the best of friends, things of that nature.
: First of all, I've got three very good friends in this league, and that's
: Carmelo (Anthony), and that's C.P. (Chris Paul), and that's D-Wade. And after
: that I have a bunch of teammates. I have guys I ride for every day.
: 近日接受采访时,LeBron James表示:
: “人们总是很关注谁跟谁是好朋友之类的话题。
: 首先,我在联盟中有3个非常要好的朋友,Melo & CP3 & Wade。
: 此外我还有一群队友,我们每天都并肩作战。”
: But Kyrie is a guy I understand how important he is to this team, how
: important he is. And the same with Kev as well.
: “但我了解Irving对于球队有多么的重要,当然Love也是如此。”
: Even if he doesn't consider any of his current teammates to be his "very good
: friends," the Cavaliers superstar knows that everyone shows up to work for
: the same reason.
: 即使吾皇的闺中密友并没有包含他现在的队友,
: 但LeBron深知,大家都是为了同一个原因聚集在一起。
: "Friends or no friends, at the end of the day we're all here to do one thing,
: and that's to win," James said.
: “是朋友也好,不是也罢。大家都聚在这做着同一件事,就是赢球!”
: 原文:http://is.gd/6anmY7