nin64 (Gary)
2015-02-05 11:54:11※ 引述《murray (无)》之铭言:
: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/sports/breakingnews/1224887
: 〔本报讯〕洛杉矶湖人总教练史考特(Byron Scott)调度屡遭外界质疑,针对台裔球星
: 林书豪上场时间受限,史考特略显不满地说:“我72岁的妈妈若能得分又能防守,我照样
: 会让她上场。”
: 史考特昨天在球队训练完后接受采访,大谈他调兵遣将的哲学,他说已经与球员达成协议
: ,不会因为球员想不想上场而决定比赛名单,球员若想上场,就得在训练和比赛中缴出好
: 表现,“那我就会让他上场。”
: 对于杨恩(Nick Young)抱怨自己遭教练冷冻,史考特表示,2人私下沟通后已破冰,他
: 承诺会让杨恩在对公鹿队的比赛中上场。
: 在采访最后有媒体提问:“林书豪的上场时间为何遭到压缩?”史考特说:“我高龄72岁
: 的妈妈如果能防守、能得分,我照样会让她上场,就是这么简单。”似乎是暗指林书豪近
: 日表现不佳、防守仍有待加强。
Scott implied that Young needed to be more patient,
specifically if he was benched again for whatever reason.
"Obviously it's something that he hasn't experienced so I think he hasn't
taken it very well. But what I do for a living is not personal," Scott said.
"My mom is 72 years old. If she can come in and play defense and score for
me, I'll put her in the game. It's that simple."
他的意思是他没针对任何人, 表现好就能上场, 就这样而已.