djviva (时鼠无奈)
2014-11-24 17:24:02Byron Scott Doesn’t Think Lakers Rely Too Much On Kobe Bryant
史考特不认为湖人过度依赖Kobe http://tinyurl.com/lgodmbr
延长赛不敌金块后, 赛后有许多声音在谈论Kobe比赛后段的那些出手, 因为Kobe再一次
于比赛后段包揽了几乎所有出手, 第四节跟延长赛他一共14投4中, 其他湖人球员则呆
在一旁看着Kobe一次又一次的表演, 这场景让大家开始怀疑是否湖人太依赖Kobe了
Nick Young: "At times, we fall into relying on 24 a lot. I know I believe in
everybody on this team."
小老大: 有时我们太依赖24号, 我清楚我很信任球队的每一个人
Byron Scott didn't really agree that team is relying too much on Kobe in
shot-clock winding down/game winning situations
One of the biggest parts of Kobe’s legend is his ability to come through
when it matters the most. Kobe always feels like he can make any shot, and
that mindset is not going to change just because he is older.
关于Kobe的一个最广为人知的特点, 就是他会在最关键时刻跳出来带领球队突破困境的
能力, 他总是认为他可以命中任何跳投, 这份霸气完全不会因为年纪变大而有丝毫改变
Young said he believes in everyone on the team, and everyone has to keep the
ball moving down the stretch. The Lakers have fallen into the habit of
Kobe-watching at times and all of the Lakers on the floor must find a way to
execute better down the stretch.
小老大说他相信每一个同伴, 而每个湖人球员都得让球好好流转, 可是湖人有时会掉入
"站的不动一起来看Kobe表演"的恶习, 所有场上的湖人球员都得齐心找出解决之道