Carmelo Anthony To Re-Sign With Knicks
Jul 12, 2014 1:01 PM EDT
Carmelo Anthony will inform the New York Knicks he will re-sign with the club
later on Saturday.
Carmelo Anthony 将会在星期六(台北时间 告知纽约尼克,他会与尼克重新签约留在纽约
Anthony also considered signing with the Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers,
Houston Rockets and Dallas Mavericks. Anthony was reportedly most heavily
swayed by the idea of joining the Bulls.
Melo 先前也曾考虑过公牛、湖人、火箭和小牛。根据先前的报导最让举棋不定的关键
Anthony was traded to the Knicks in February of 2011 by the Denver Nuggets.
Anthony 是在2011被老家丹佛金块队交易到纽约的。
Anthony reportedly believes in Phil Jackson's ability to remake the Knicks into
a title contender.
根据报导,Melo相信 Phil Jackson 有能力重新改造尼克,把尼克打造成一支具备角逐
Stephen A. Smith reports that Anthony's camp has informed the Bulls and Rockets
that he won't sign with either club. Anthony is working on details of his
contract with the Knicks.
另外根据 Stephen A. Smith 的报导,Melo团队方面已经通知公牛与火箭,他不会跟投入
芝加哥或休士顿了。目前 Melo 正在跟把合约细节谈定。